parallel server option是什么意思 parallel server option的中文翻译、读音、例句

parallel server option是什么意思 parallel server option的中文翻译、读音、例句

parallel server option的中文解释是"平行伺服器选项",还有平行伺服器选项的意思,读音为[parallelserveroption],parallel server option来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到59个与parallel server option相关的句子。

Parallel server option的词典翻译


例句:Reasoning with them is not an option. (跟他们讲理根本行不通 Reasoning with them is not an option.)


parallel server option一般作为名词使用,如在discussion server(讨论伺服器)、disk server(磁盘服务程序)、entertainment server([网络] 娱乐伺服器)等常见短语中出现较多。

discussion server讨论伺服器
disk server磁盘服务程序
entertainment server[网络] 娱乐伺服器
event server事件伺服器
forum server论坛伺服器
history server历史伺服器
lip serverlip service的变形
management server管理伺服器
name server名服务程序


1. Notice that the login name of sqlserver could not be found in SQL server 2008. (翻译:注意,sqlserver登录名不能在sql server 2008中找到。)

2. Dar told me they have evidence of a parallel program - with North Korea. (翻译:达尔说和这笔交易同时进行的 Dar told me they have evidence of a parallel program)

3. Which option are you plumping for? (翻译:你想选哪个? Which option are you plumping for?)

4. We found the server hub in zone 1. (翻译:We found the server hub in Zone 1.)

5. The option to combine data generated on one or more DDM-enabled servers into a single database on another server. (翻译:将在一台或多台支持DDM的服务器上生成的数据合并到另一台服务器上的一个数据库中的选项。)

6. You could enable this option to use web server rewrites functionality for improved search engines optimization. (翻译:可以打开这个选项,使用服务器网址重写,加强搜索引擎优化。)

7. By pursuing a parallel program in North Korea. (翻译:在朝鲜实施了一个并行程序 By pursuing a parallel program in North Korea.)

8. The argument to parallel-nuke is a pattern. (翻译:parallel - nuke的参数是一个模式。)

9. Your best option is to drop that gun. (翻译:你最好把枪放下 Your best option is to drop that gun.)

10. This option is only available to members of the sysadmin fixed server role. (翻译:只有sysadmin固定服务器角色的成员才能设置此选项。)

11. Until there is a better option, yes. (翻译:在没有更好的战机前 是的 Until there is a better option, yes.)

12. A parallel program with North Korea? (翻译:跟朝鲜搞并行项目 A parallel program with North Korea?)

13. This is the best option, and you know it. (翻译:这是我们最好的方法 你也知道的 This is the best option, and you know it.)

14. The resource samp-samba-server represents the Samba server. (翻译:资源 samp-samba-server 代表 Samba 服务器。)

15. For Network Dep. server name, enter your cell name plus your node name plus your server name. (翻译:对于Net work Dep . server name,输入您的cell name、node name、server name。)

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