parametric estimation filtering是什么意思 parametric estimation filte

parametric estimation filtering是什么意思 parametric estimation filte

parametric estimation filtering在英语中代表"电子"的意思,其次还有"参量估计滤波"的意思,在线发音:[parametricestimationfiltering],parametric estimation filtering是一个英语名词,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到63个与parametric estimation filtering相关的例句。

Parametric estimation filtering的中文翻译


例句:The Helmert variance component estimation formula. (赫尔默特方差分量估计公式。)


例句:That is a parametric equation for the sphere. (那是球体的一个参数方程。)


parametric estimation filtering一般作为名词使用,如在parametric estimation([数] 参数估计)、filtering([计] 过滤)、filtering in(透进)等常见短语中出现较多。

parametric estimation[数] 参数估计
filtering[计] 过滤
filtering in透进
parametric amplification参量放大
parametric amplifier[电] 参数放大器
parametric amplifiers参数放大器
parametric arrayun. 参量阵\n[网络] 声参量阵
parametric assumption参数假设


1. Scenario 2: ACF request filtering. (翻译:场景2:acf请求过滤。)

:// (翻译://

3. Bayes filtering has a dominant place in the area of spam filtering for its strong categorization and high precision. (翻译:贝叶斯邮件过滤器具有较强的分类能力,极高的准确率,在内容过滤领城占据主导地位。)

4. Minimax Estimation and Admissible Estimation Under Normal MANOVA Model (翻译:MANOVA模型中均值参数的极大极小估计和可容许估计)

5. Through the previous study of the parametric array, it has been applied underwater and in the air. (翻译:通过前人对声学参量阵的研究,使得其在水下和空气中都得到了一定的应用。)

6. You want downstream users to be able to override and specialize types via parametric internal sets . (翻译:希望下游用户能够通过内部参数集覆盖并将类型专门化。)

7. And that was the job of the journalist. It was filtering all this stuff. (翻译:这就是记者的工作,在大量的信息中进行甄选工作。)

8. The basic strategy of MHE is to reformulate the estimation problem asa quadratic program using a moving estimation window. (翻译:滚动时域估计的基本策略就是将状态估计问题化为一个二次规划问题。)

9. When Kalman filtering cannot track efficiently the state with abrupt changes, MSTKF switches to strong tracking filtering with varying softening factor. (翻译:当卡尔曼滤波不能有效跟踪突变状态时,MSTKF切换为可变弱化因子的强跟踪滤波。)

10. The demand for a wide estimation range and an accurate estimation are always incompatible in many frequency estimation algorithms. (翻译:在许多频偏估值算法中,估值范围和估值精度是难以同时兼顾的一对矛盾。)

11. Empirical estimation is available for study of soil AWC. (翻译:对土壤awc进行经验估算,是一种有效方法。)

12. The feasibility and correctness of the parametric design for hydropneumatic recuperator are validated by an example. (翻译:通过实例验证了对复进机参数化设计的可行性和正确性。)

13. There was an estimation, a conservative estimation, a couple of years ago that the U.S. economy benefited by 57 billion dollars per year. (翻译:几年前,有个 保守的估计, 美国经济每年 因昆虫而获益五百七十亿 美元。)

14. Scenario 1: ACF response filtering. (翻译:场景1:acf响应过滤。)

15. The former is used to achieve the fine estimation of the carrier frequency while the later is used to achieve the fine estimation of the code delay of the PRN code. (翻译:载波跟踪环用于对接收信号的载波频率进行精确跟踪,而码跟踪环是用于实现伪随机码延时的精确对准。)

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