parathormones是什么意思 parathormones的中文翻译、读音、例句

parathormones是什么意思 parathormones的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Fruit Growth, Cell Division and Endogenous Hormones Level in Parthenocarpic Fruit Formed by CPPU Induction in Lagenaria leucantha (CPPU对瓠瓜单性结实的诱导作用及对细胞分裂和内源激素水平的影响)


例句:Or be bloodless Suffocated by your own tongue (窒息而死 失血过多 Ou être exsangue, mourir étouffé par sa langue)


1. By 2018, manufacturing costs in China will be on par with the US. (翻译:到xx年,中国的 生产成本也将追上美国。)

2. Apoptosis of Goose Granulosa Cells and Its Relationship between Reproductive Hormones (翻译:鹅卵泡颗粒细胞凋亡及其与生殖激素间的关系)

3. He'd become a national hero. (翻译:男人宠 女人爱 Adulé par les hommes, fantasmé par leur femme.)

4. Endogenous Hormones Levels in Cuttings of Malus prunifolia and Their Relations to Rooting (翻译:海棠果插穗的内源激素水平及其与扦插生根的关系)

5. Nollywood is Africa's mirror par excellence. (翻译:“诺莱坞”是完美地 映衬出非洲的一面镜子。)

6. And the life expectancy was 35 to 40 years, on par with Afghanistan today. (翻译:而且寿命的期望值是35到xx年, 是和阿富汗的今天一样的。)

7. There par with Duan inkstone. (翻译:有与端砚齐名的歙砚。)

8. Hormones, genitalia, chromosomes: that's what's between our legs. (翻译:激素、生殖器、染色体: 那是我们两腿之间的东西。)

9. They made an awful start, well below par. (翻译:他们做了一个可怕的开始... 低于标准杆。)

10. The top chief par excellence ayatollahs with all the dollars. (翻译:还有那些中东富得流油的宗教领袖 只有这几种人才会觉得安全)

11. Hormones are essential for maintaining the expression of HRZ, a ring zinc finger gene. (翻译:环状锌指蛋白基因HRZ在未培养的外植体中表达。)

12. Why are you looking at the ground? (翻译:Pourquoi tu regardes par terre?)

13. Effects of Exogenous Cysteamine on Hormones and Net Nutrients Across the Portal-Drained Viscera and Liver of Goat (翻译:外源性半胱胺对山羊门静脉和肝脏中激素和营养物流量的影响)

14. One little comment about a can opener and she freaks out. (翻译:荷尔蒙把她变成了一个疯子 the hormones turned her into a nutcase.)

15. Through Great Tiger's gun. (翻译:从猛虎的枪进来的 Par le fusil du Grand Tigre.)



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