parasutology是什么意思 parasutology的中文翻译、读音、例句

parasutology是什么意思 parasutology的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Βut Boss, we must abide by the law in Hong Kong I'm just kidding, I'm not a barbarian (可是老板,香港是法治之区呀 我开开玩笑,我哪是这样的人呢)





1. SETTING: Outpatient Clinic, Ophthalmic Department of Ophthalmology and Otolaryng ology Hospital of a University. (翻译:单位:一所大学眼耳鼻喉科医院的眼科门诊。)

2. Likewise, a _paras list contains some paragraphs, which are themselves initialized with PCDATA. (翻译:同样,_paras列表包含几个paragraph,paragraph本身是用PCDATA初始化的。)

3. Positive results have been made in our cooperation in education, culture, science and techn! Ology. (翻译:中欧在科技、教育、文化等领域的合作均取得积极成果。)

4. Paras . 2-10 Mrs. Baroda's first impression of her guest: has not any sense of humor, and he is boring and uninteresting. (翻译:巴罗达夫人对古韦内尔的第一印象:并非像丈夫所言幽默风趣,而是乏味的让人厌烦。)

5. The coupling of both specialties resulted in the UT-AT, a combat transport that could no longer be called a walker due to its unique design. (翻译:两家企业优势互补的结果就是UT-AT——一种由于其独特设计而不能再被称为步行机的战车。)

6. There was no significant regional difference in GLUT1 expression in either normal or ischemic hearts. (翻译:无论在正常或缺血心脏,GL UT 1表达均无部位差异。)

7. Positive results have been made in our cooperation in education, culture, science and techn! ology. (翻译:中欧在科技、教育、文化等领域的合作均取得积极成果。)

8. Paras . 21-24 She refused to invite him until she had overcome everything. (翻译:她因此拒绝邀请他,直到她觉得一切都已烟消云散。)

9. The Prime Minister will be jοining yοu fοr the brοadcast, which will gο οut live acrοss the natiοn, the Empire (翻译:首相也会在广播节目中和您一起出席 讲话会对整个大英帝国广播)

10. Simulation was carded out to compare SIT with UT-BLUE and EKF, the results indicated that the new filter is more effective. (翻译:通过仿真,将强跟踪滤波与UT-BLUE滤波方法和EKF滤波方法进行比较,结果表明了该滤波方法的有效性和优越性。)

11. She'll fly tο New Yοrk in abοut twο weeks, and will be staying with her cοusin. (翻译:她大概再过两个礼拜就会到达纽约 她会住在她表姐的家里)

12. He's responsible for the deaths of11regulararmylads 7 ruc officers and uncounted numbers of loyalist paras. (翻译:麦法兰 他杀害十一名正规军... 七名警员...)

13. Other UT Southwestern obstetrics and gynecology researchers involved in the study were Dr. George D. Wendel Jr. (翻译:得克萨斯大学西南其他妇产科研究人员在研究涉及的乔治D。温德尔博士,教授和资深作者小;)

14. B ut if you get the answer that I think they're going to give you, (翻译:乙UT,如果你得到的 回答这个问题,我认为他们是 要给你,)

15. Yeah. But she was a straight A student. With a full ride to UT too. (翻译:是啊 她是个成绩全A的优秀学生 前途无量 这说不通)

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