passive defense reflex是什么意思 passive defense reflex的中文翻译、读音、例句

passive defense reflex是什么意思 passive defense reflex的中文翻译、读音、例句

passive defense reflex在中文中有"被动防御反射"的意思,在英美地区还有"医"的意思,读音为[passivedefensereflex],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到86个与passive defense reflex相关的例句。

Passive defense reflex的翻译


例句:"you" and I are going to jail. (Department of Defense, U. S. Navy,)


例句:Self-defense teaches us everything. (Self -defense teaches us everything.)


passive defense reflex一般作为名词使用,如在passive defense(消极防御)、passive air defense(un. 消极防空)、passive defense reaction([医] 被动防御反应)等常见短语中出现较多。

passive defense消极防御
passive air defenseun. 消极防空
passive defense reaction[医] 被动防御反应
unconditioned defense reflex[医] 非条件防御反射
in defense[网络] 保护;保卫
in defense of[法] 为...辩护, 为保证...
on defense[网络] 防守;意为
the defense[法]被告方


1. Look, I need a little help on defense. (翻译:Look, l need a little help on defense. Okay.)

2. by the defense has been nothing... (翻译:by the defense has been nothing...)

3. However, when they cornered. Bang! It is reflex. (翻译:但是当他们被逼到角落 duang就会本能的反映)

4. But there's a way that certain white people talk to black people. (翻译:你这正是中了被告方的下怀 You are playing into the defense.)

5. Right. A reflex after my numerous dates. (翻译:没错 太多这样[无终]的约会 已经习惯成自然了)

6. My first reflex was to say, "Hallelujah -- what a great idea! (翻译:我的第一反应是说, “哈利路亚——这是个多么棒的点子! )

7. Foreign government, defense contractors. (翻译:国外政府 Foreign government, 国防承包商 defense contractors.)

8. Bill runs a little cooler than you. (翻译:-防止他们受到辩方干扰 -玛西亚 - Block them from the defense.)

9. And defense this case, or not. (翻译:还适合答辩这个案子 And defense this case, or not.)

10. Serving as the undersecretary of defense (翻译:竞选副国防部长 Serving as the undersecretary of defense)

11. Once this reflex is triggered, it must run its course. (翻译:当这种条件反射被激发, 它就必须顺其发展。)

12. -and it was... it was a reflex. (翻译

13. As a defense against malaria. (翻译:As a defense against malaria.)

14. Alright. No planes up until we know. That's not your call. (翻译:这是安全预防 It is when it involves Defense personnel and equipment.)

15. a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing. (翻译:喉咙发出的一种间歇性反射,好象在吞咽东西。)

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