patriarchacy是什么意思 patriarchacy的中文翻译、读音、例句

patriarchacy是什么意思 patriarchacy的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Then I know of a certain big, bald patriarch I can take off the bench. (bald patriarch 可以做候补人选 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I can take off the bench.)

例句:It was the well-known Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria. (这是著名的西奥菲勒斯,牧首亚历山大。)


1. Setting up trusts years in advance of the death of a patriarch used to be a way to avoid inheritance tax. (翻译:过去还有家族掌门人在去世前提前数年创立信托基金,目的是为了避开遗产税。)

2. Cy and I would love to have you. (翻译:如果圣诞节你要一个人过 塞和我很欢迎你来我们家)

3. Nov. 15: Hughes named Cy Young winner. "I owe it all to the faith an insomniac blogger had in me, " he says. (翻译:休斯拿到赛扬奖。他说:“对于那些患有失眠症却对我有信心的部落格主,这是我欠你们的。”)

4. After CY injection, the mouse weight, chest gland index, abdominal cavity macrophage swallowing rate, phagocytic count reduced. (翻译:应用环磷酰胺后,小鼠体重、胸腺指数、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬率、吞噬指数均降低。)

5. He supported the patriarch, and he conciliated the Greeks. (翻译:他支持大教长,他绥抚希腊人。)

6. The Emperor and Patriarch were the leading actors in the drama, a union of church and throne. (翻译:皇帝与牧首就是戏剧里的主角。一个教会与王座的联盟。)

7. The Cardinal from Rome lost his temper and took it upon himself to excommunicate the Patriarch of Constantinople. (翻译:来自罗马的红衣主教大发雷霆, 擅自将君士坦丁堡牧首开除出教。)

8. The—the black, one-eyed, slightly monstrous cop and the dying, apathetic guy. (翻译:可怕的黑警察没有眼睛 和zdychaj? cy轮?)

9. The handoff laten-cy is composed by movement latency and register latency, and the The handoff latency is the main section of it. (翻译:切换时延由移动检测时延和注册时延组成,而移动检测时延在其中占主要部分。)

10. In court, Peruggia admitted meeting in London with Henry Duveen, patriarch of a legendary antique dealing family. (翻译:在法庭上,佩鲁贾供认曾在伦敦见过从事古董生意的传奇家族的老大亨利·杜维恩。)

11. For nearly two centuries after his time there was no Patriarch. (翻译:在他死后的近两个世纪里, 俄国没有了牧首。)

12. Relative parasitic fitness was detected on suscepitable wheat cultivars Mingxian 169 for mutants of the CY17 and CY31, and disease capacity was used in the experiment. (翻译:测定了CY17,CY31突变菌系在感病品种铭贤169上的相对寄生适合度属性,并利用“病害量”衡量突变菌株的相对寄生适合度。)

and looked up to the celestial throne, just as a traveller turns from his empty skin bottle, and betakes himself with all speed to the well. (翻译:他躲开教他更忧伤的朋友,举目仰望在天的宝座,如同长途跋涉的人抛开已空无一滴水的水壶,向井奔跑。)

14. Perhaps it's that we each see a little bit of ourselves in the Simpson patriarch's encyclopedic collection of character flaws. (翻译:也许,那是我们每个人在辛普森一家的一大堆缺点中看到了我们自己的影子。)

15. The patriarch lived a few days into 2010, but his estate, like Mrs. Laub's, remains unsettled given the legislative uncertainty. (翻译:这位长者在xx年到来之后数日才去世,但鉴于法律上的不确定性,他的遗产就像劳布的遗产一样,仍然没有进行分割。)

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