pavetta indica是什么意思 pavetta indica的中文翻译、读音、例句

pavetta indica是什么意思 pavetta indica的中文翻译、读音、例句

pavetta indica在英语中代表"茜木"的意思,还有茜木的意思,发音是[pavettaindica],pavetta indica来源于英语,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到88个与pavetta indica相关的句子。

Pavetta indica的翻译


例句:Rice breeders aimed at an integration of desirable characters of both japonica and indica rice types into a single variety. (水稻育种家的目标是培育综合粳型和籼型稻的理想性状于一体的品种。)


pavetta indica一般作为名词使用,如在Pavetta(大沙叶属)、Pavetta arenosa(n. 大沙叶)、Pavetta polyantha(n. 多花大沙叶)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pavetta arenosan. 大沙叶
Pavetta polyanthan. 多花大沙叶
pavetta pulcherima茜木
Pavetta scabrifolian. 糙叶大沙叶
Pavetta swatowica[网络] 汕头大沙叶
Pavetta tomentosan. 绒毛大沙叶
indica[网络] 籼稻;印迪卡;印度稻
rotala indica indica印度节节菜


1. Characteristics and cultural techniques of Qing'erxian, a new medium Indica rice with fine quality, hith-yielding and disease resistance (翻译:优质、高产、多抗中籼水稻新品种青二籼的特征特性及其栽培技术)

2. The Indica-compatible and Japonica-compatible IRLs can be matched with Japonica rice or Indica rice to select good combinations with strong heterosis. (翻译:而具有亲粳性和亲籼性的重组自交系可作为育种中间材料或与粳或籼稻配组,筛选出优势强的组合用于水稻生产。)

3. That a certain kind of potato, a certain kind of drug, a sativa-indica Cannabis cross has something to say about us. (翻译:某种马铃薯,某种药物, 某种漂白印度大麻与我们之间的丝丝缕缕。)

4. This is the first report of plant regeneration from the protoplast culture of an indica rice. (翻译:这是迄今第一个由籼稻原生质体再生植株的报道。)

5. Later this fall the company plans to release the raw sequence data of the Cannabis indica genome as well as a full genome annotation. (翻译:该公司计划在今年秋天的晚些时候公布这次大麻基因组测序的原始数据,以及完整的基因组注释。)

6. All germplasms could be divided into indica and japonica rices, the genetic distances between them varied from 0. 588 to 0. 996. (翻译:55份不同材料大体上可分为籼稻和粳稻两大类,各品种间遗传距离在0.588~0.996之间。)

7. - Well, not that. It's indica. MAN ON TV: (翻译:这是肉烧起来的味道 你的肉 The smell of burning flesh.)

8. But he had a rule against getting involved in matrimonials... which had just gone up in smoke... like the Asian indica in the joint they'd been smoking... creating an extra layer of fog on top of the one Doc was already standing inside of. (翻译:但他曾奉行一条准则 绝不插手任何人的婚姻问题 这问题如今已烟雾般扩散开来 就像他们曾经抽个不停的印度大麻)

9. The cytotoxicities of some compounds obtained from Azadirachta indica were evaluated. (翻译:并对从印楝中得到的部分化合物进行了生物活性的研究。)

10. Study on anticancer function of phenolic extract from Duchesnea indica and its immunological mechanism (翻译:蛇莓总酚的抗肿瘤作用及免疫学机制的初步探讨)

11. The single-origin model suggests that indica and japonica were both domesticated from the wild rice O. rufipogon. (翻译:这一同源模型说明籼稻和粳稻是由同一种普通野生稻驯化而来的。)

12. Effect of Water Stress on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Lagerstroemia indica 'Summer and summer' and Lonicera nitida 'Maigrun' (翻译:水分胁迫对蔓生紫薇和亮叶忍冬生长及生理特性的影响)

13. OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents in Kalimeris indica l. (翻译:目的研究苗药马兰的化学成分。)

14. Preliminary Research on the NMU Chemistry lures Improvement in the Properties of the Early Indica Season Rice (翻译:NMU化学诱变剂对早籼稻性状改良的初步研究)

15. Heating-crushing and heating extraction were applied to extracting juice from Lactuca Indica l. (翻译:采用热榨法和热浸提法对苦荬菜汁进行提取试验。)

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