payoff reel是什么意思 payoff reel的中文翻译、读音、例句

payoff reel是什么意思 payoff reel的中文翻译、读音、例句

payoff reel在中文中有"开卷机"的意思,在英美地区还有"拆卷机"的意思,单词读音音标为[payoffreel],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到89个与payoff reel相关的例句。

Payoff reel的翻译


例句:Where's the payoff on the humanities? It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed payoff. (学人文科学的报偿在何处呢?要说服父母相信人文科学有所报偿并不容易。)


例句:Or a payoff for something I'm not supposed to do. (或者拿东西贿赂我 让我做一些我不会去做的事情)


payoff reel一般作为名词使用,如在mandrel payoff reel(卷筒式开卷机)、reel to reel(卷到卷的)、reel(卷轴)等常见短语中出现较多。

mandrel payoff reel卷筒式开卷机
reel to reel卷到卷的
reel ... inna. (将上钩的鱼,测程线等)收卷轴拉近[拉起]\n[网络] 收绕钓竿上的钓丝;锡纸;卷线
reel in卷, 绕
to reel卷绕
expected payoff[计] 期望支付
illegal payoff非法报酬
manpower payoff人力支付


1. A graph of an option's payoff as a function of underlier value at expiration. (翻译:期权的回报图,是以标的证券在到期日的价值为函数的。)

2. In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented a spinning reel. (翻译:xx年,理查德·阿克莱特发明了卷轴纺纱机。)

3. A popular longways is called the Virginia reel. (翻译:其中一种流行的纵队舞叫维吉尼亚里尔舞。)

4. Now, I know what you are all waiting for, that big scientific payoff. (翻译:我知道你们在期待什么, 一个重大的科研成果。)

5. And then Danny says a really great journey will have a secret payoff. (翻译:Danny说这样一个伟大的旅途应该有一个神秘的收获的)

6. Reel China: Will it play in Peoria and Shanghai? (翻译:Reel China:将会在皮奥里亚和上海上映吗? )

7. [ reel clicking ] oh, my god. (翻译:天啊 真的行得通 很有效 Oh, my god.)

8. That was a payoff .. probably blackmail. We turn that bag over to the Police or .. (翻译:可能是薪水,也可能是勒索, 我们把钱交给警察吧)

9. The reel comes complete with a set of spares for all the working parts. (翻译:那个卷轴配有一套所有运行部件的备用件。)

10. But after the cartel screwed elia With the first ransom payoff, (翻译:埃利亚第一次交赎金被爽约后 But after the cartel screwed Elia with the first ransom payoff,)

11. The communist is screaming, the priest in reel five is in reel two. (翻译:身为你的律师 我建议你快点控制情况 一个由你制作的电影角 色逃走了)

12. The line was taut as a tuned cello string and there was not much more of it on the reel. (翻译:钓丝绷得同调好音的大提琴弦一模一样了。转盘上剩下的钓丝不多了。)

13. He wanted a payoff, Frank. (翻译:他想要封口费 Frank 他想敲诈我 He wanted a payoff, Frank.)

14. Only one of these days comes the payoff. (翻译:Only one of these days comes the payoff. 好的,莫尔,过两天咱们算账)

15. At this point, the sprockets of his memory claw at a blank reel. (翻译:在这时,里斯·琼斯记忆的齿轮空转了。)

  • 声明:未经允许不得转载
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