pbpb是什么意思 pbpb的中文翻译、读音、例句

pbpb是什么意思 pbpb的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:TIMS U-Pb zircon ages of Fuyun post-orogenic linear granite plutons on the southern margin of Altay orogenic belt and their implications (阿尔泰造山带南缘富蕴后造山线形花岗岩体锆石U-Pb年龄及其地质意义)


pbpb一般作为名词使用,如在PBPB([=partial billiopancreatic bypass]部分胆管胰腺旁路)等常见短语中出现较多。

PBPB[=partial billiopancreatic bypass]部分胆管胰腺旁路


1. But when data sets get to the petabyte scale, the old way simply isn't feasible. (翻译:但当数据集达到PB级别的时候,老方法就不那么可行了。)

2. The isozyme expression of POD, PPO, SOD and APX in longan seedlings changed with different degrees under Pb stressed. (翻译:铅胁迫下龙眼幼苗体内POD,PPO,SOD及APX同工酶表达均发生不同程度的改变。)

3. But when data sets get to the petabyte scale, the old way simply isn't feasible. (翻译:但当数据集达到PB级别的时候,老方法就不那么可行了。)

4. Arsenic content in Pb concentrate and Zn concentrate is too high when PbZn ore being sorted by conventional flotation. (翻译:某多金属铅锌矿含砷较高,采用常规铅、锌优先浮选方法,铅、锌精矿中砷含量超标。)

5. Discussions on relationship between mineralization and magmatism in Qixiashan Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposit of Nanjing (翻译:南京栖霞山铅锌银矿床成矿作用与岩浆活动关系探讨)

6. Agent Vaughn, a call was routed through the PB X you need to take right away. (翻译:沃恩特工 有一个通过交换机传来的电话 要你马上来接)

7. The contents of Ti in magnetite and S in ore are low, with a very small amount of Pb-Zn sulfide minerals. (翻译:磁铁矿中钛含量低,矿石中硫含量低,罕见铅锌硫化物矿物。)

8. Easy scalability to multi-petabyte capacity. (翻译:可轻松扩展到数PB容量。)

9. The Bainiuchang Ag deposit is a large Ag-Sn-pb-Zn deposit discovered and explored in recent years. (翻译:白牛厂银矿是近年发现探明的一大型银锡铅锌矿床。)

10. Preliminary U-Pb ion probe age determination of zircons from gneisses, Northern Dabie Terrain (翻译:北大别片麻岩中锆石U-Pb年龄离子探针初步测定)

11. When 2 kinds of plants were stressed by Pb, the soluble sugar contents in roots were all decreased along with the increase of Pb concn. (翻译:用铅处理时,2种植物根系中的可溶性糖含量均随铅浓度的增加而下降;)

12. Suitable for Zn free glazes with low Pb , the needed black color can be required when adding Co , Cr, Fe oxides . (翻译:非常适合低铅无锌釉,添加钴、铬、铁氧化物可获所需黑色。)

13. So what's it gonna be, PB J or chicken salad? (翻译:要来点什么,黄油果冻三明治还是鸡肉沙拉?)

14. The uncertainty for determination of Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr in plastic by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry was evaluated. (翻译:对电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定塑胶中镉、铅、汞、铬含量的不确定度进行了评定。)

15. Dongchuang Pb Au deposit is a large quartz vein type deposit. (翻译:东闯铅、金矿床是一大型石英脉型矿床。)

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