peacekeepers是什么意思 peacekeepers的中文翻译、读音、例句

peacekeepers是什么意思 peacekeepers的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:And this is where the Guatemalan military trains peacekeepers from other countries, the ones that serve with the U.N. (来自其他国家的维和人员 在这里接受危地马拉军方的训练, 这些维和人员曾被联合国 )


例句:But if the peacekeepers were to leave in a hurry, Congo could descend again into mayhem. (但是,如果维和人员离开匆忙,刚果可能再次面临混乱局势。)


1. Capitol officials, Peacekeepers, torturers, Gamemakers. (翻译:凯匹特的官员们 和平卫队 打手 游戏设计者)

2. A United Nations source reports that the U.S. and British representatives on the Security Council will lobby for the removal of all U. N. peacekeepers from Rwanda. (翻译:据联合国方面报道 安全委员会的英美代表将游说 所有维和部队撤离卢旺达)

3. There were people fighting in the streets, and fires, and Peacekeepers were gunning them down, but the people were... (翻译:有民众在街上暴动 还放了火 There were people fighting in the streets, and fires, 治安官们用枪来镇压他们 and Peacekeepers were gunning them down, 治安官们用枪来镇压他们 but the people were...)

4. Both sides have had peacekeepers here since war broke out here in the early 90s. (翻译:xx年代初战争爆发以来 双方都有维护部队驻扎在那里)

5. In permitting destruction of nonself while preventing destruction of self, T-regs may prove to be the ultimate immunological peacekeepers. (翻译:调节性T细胞让免疫系统能够摧毁外来物质,同时还能防止自我破坏,它们是免疫系统最重要的维和部队。)

6. That's the same facile thinking that led you to divert our best Peacekeepers into District 2. (翻译:就是你这种不经大脑的想法 所以把我们的精英部队派到二区)

7. NA TO forces are on their way to Chechnya to serve as peacekeepers... and to provide desperately needed humanitarian relief. (翻译:北约部队正在向车臣派遣维和部队... 为此次暴行的受害者提供人道主义的援助)

8. Take a look at what happened just a moment ago, when our Peacekeepers cornered Katniss Everdeen and her band of foolish rebels. (翻译:请看看刚发生的这一幕 这是凯特尼斯·伊夫狄恩以及她那群愚昧的叛军 被我们的和平卫队给围堵了)

9. At times, they are complimented by negotiated settlements, or at least cease-fire agreements, and peacekeepers are deployed. (翻译:在其他情况下 冲突者因为谈判解决而接受赞扬 或是至少达成停火协议 接受和平部队派驻 )

10. Trouble flared: a Kosovar policeman was killed, a border point was burned down by Serbs and NATO sent in peacekeepers. (翻译:麻烦就这样产生了:在双方冲突中一名科索沃警察被打死,塞族人烧毁了一个边界点,随后北约派出了维和人员。)

11. If you don't get the policy reform and the aid, you don't get the economic recovery, which is the true exit strategy for the peacekeepers. (翻译:如果没有政策改革和捐助, 经济就不能复苏, 维和人员就没法真正撤出。)

12. At times, they are complimented by negotiated settlements, or at least cease-fire agreements, and peacekeepers are deployed. (翻译:在其他情况下 冲突者因为谈判解决而接受赞扬 或是至少达成停火协议 接受和平部队派驻)

13. And thirdly, what is the exit strategy for the peacekeepers? (翻译:第三个原则:维和人员撤出的策略是什么? )

14. It's the contractor that the government uses... to provide peacekeepers in Bosnia. (翻译:这是一家承包商 为政府提供... 驻波斯尼亚的维和警察)

15. If you don't get the policy reform and the aid, you don't get the economic recovery, which is the true exit strategy for the peacekeepers. (翻译:如果没有政策改革和捐助, 经济就不能复苏, 维和人员就没法真正撤出。)



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