pecherskoye是什么意思 pecherskoye的中文翻译、读音、例句

pecherskoye是什么意思 pecherskoye的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:No. Maybe you made her loose her appetite. (Maybe you made her loose her appetite.)


例句:SK: Think of AXP as a server integrated into the router. (SK:我们可以认为AXP是整合在路由器中的服务器。)


例句:Oye, this is Hector Estrada. You're alive? (- 是 我是Hector Estrada)


pecherskoye一般作为名词使用,如在Pecherskoye([地名] 佩切尔斯科耶 ( 俄 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Pecherskoye[地名] 佩切尔斯科耶 ( 俄 )


1. Oye, this is Hector Estrada. You're alive? (翻译:- 是 我是Hector Estrada)

2. SJ: No, I can't see through it. KB: Excellent. (翻译:KB: 看不见? SK: 看不见, 我什么也看不见. )

3. Evil Ways, and Oye Como Va. (翻译:他因创作了黑魔法女人、魔鬼之路等歌曲出名)

4. No, we don't have to wait for that, every facility is engineered with a fail-safe scenario. (翻译:我们不能坐等 每个C -PEC单元包含一个故障备份方案)

5. SK: Think of AXP as a server integrated into the router. (翻译:SK:我们可以认为AXP是整合在路由器中的服务器。)

6. SK: And there is always a loser when it comes to this war. (翻译:SK:而在这样的战斗中 总会有一个输家。)

7. That'll make her change her mind. (翻译:That will make her change her mind. - 好主意)

8. The last few Alpha sentinels are dispatched to Primon to guard the PEC. (翻译:最后数名首批下线的机械守卫被派至普里蒙星,担任保卫PEC的工作。)

9. "It was getting difficult to take care of a 108-year-old prisoner," said jail Supt SK Sharma. (翻译:典狱长夏尔马说:“照顾一名xx岁的囚犯会愈来愈困难。” )

10. And in my humble opinion, it was at that missed bridge-- whistle bridge, on the perimeter pec wave. (翻译:以我鄙见 这里缺了一个信号 -口哨的信号)

11. Tell her her eyes are blue (翻译:Tell her her eyes are blue)

12. SK: So that's the final element in it that just makes it that much more ridiculous, that there is a flag design within the Milwaukee flag. (翻译:SK:这就是让这面旗显得 更加荒谬的最后一个元素, 在密尔沃基市旗的里面又有一面旗。)

13. SK: Los Altos, it was kind of crazy. (翻译:SK:与这个学区的合作是很有些出乎意料的。)

14. In 2003, the head of SK Group, a conglomerate, was convicted of illegal share swaps designed to keep the group in family control. (翻译:xx年,SK 集团的首脑为了维持其家族对集团的控制,非法进行股权交换,并因此获罪。)

15. Olam will re-employ the staff previously working for SK Foods, while the management will be fully composed of new members. (翻译:Olam将重新雇用曾经为SK食品工作过的人员,而管理层也将补充新成员。)

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