pecos river是什么意思 pecos river的中文翻译、读音、例句

pecos river是什么意思 pecos river的中文翻译、读音、例句

pecos river通常被翻译为"佩科斯河、河畔"的意思,还有网络的意思,读音为[pecosriver],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到74个与pecos river相关的例句。

Pecos River的词典翻译


例句:We need air support all the way to River Rock. (在运往River Rock的沿途 我们都需要空中支援)


例句:# We'll gather at the river # (我们相聚河畔 ? Gather at the river)

例句:From the south bank of the Red River. (红河南岸长大的 From the south bank of the Red River.)


例句:There's a dealer about 20 minutes outside Rogue River. (翻译:在Rogue River外 20分钟车程有个药贩子)


pecos river一般作为名词使用,如在Pecos River([网络] 佩科斯河;贝可斯河;河畔)、Pecos County([地名] 佩科斯县 ( 美 ))、pecos diamond(佩科河石英)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pecos River[网络] 佩科斯河;贝可斯河;河畔
Pecos County[地名] 佩科斯县 ( 美 )
pecos diamond佩科河石英
pecos ore铅银铁帽
Pecos Plains[地名] 佩科斯平原 ( 美 )
pecos rivers[网络] 佩科斯河;贝可斯河;河畔\n(pecos river 的复数)
pecos national monument[网络] 古印第安人遗址
Pecos R.[地名] 佩科斯河 ( 美 )
in the river[网络] 在河里;其中河;它在河里


1. From the south bank of the Red River. (翻译:红河南岸长大的 From the south bank of the Red River.)

2. There's a dealer about 20 minutes outside Rogue River. (翻译:在Rogue River外 20分钟车程有个药贩子)

3. I'm here with Ed Pavelka, the new warden of Fox River Penitentiary where Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield are scheduled to be returned to some time tomorrow. (翻译:Joliet 伊利诺斯州 Fox River国家监狱 我现在在Fox River国家监狱 与新任监狱长Ed Pavelka在一起 Lincoln Burrows和Michael Socfield 计划将于)

4. But I was rejected so I headed for the river to drown (翻译:But I was rejected so I headed for the river to drown)

5. There's nowhere to hide ♪ f2 (mAºsica)♪ (翻译:把手举起来 ♪Down by the river in the full moonlight♪)

6. Tinged by an autumn sunset over Sena , New Mexico, the Pecos River makes its arduous run toward the Mexican border. (翻译:新墨西哥州,塞纳的佩克斯河在秋日夕阳的映照下,沿着蜿蜒的河道流向了墨西哥边境。)

7. Didn't Fox River teach you anything, man? (翻译:伙计 你从FOX River里还没学到这个吗?)

8. This is not just about us... (翻译:以及闯入Fox River的理由都是一样的)

9. And I'll have Rogue River keep an eye on them up in Oregon. (翻译:我会让Rogue River车队的人 在俄勒冈那里照看他们)

10. I mean... What are the chances we even make it to Fox River alive? (翻译:我意思是 我们有可能 活着回到Fox River吗?)

11. - To get to the highway, you cross that river. (翻译:you have to cross that river.)

12. On their wedding day, Pecos Bill dressed in his best buckskin suit. (翻译:在他们结婚当天,佩科斯比尔穿着他最好的鹿皮衣服。)

13. Los Pintos, Las Brisas, Los Pecos. (翻译:洛杉矶Pintos,拉斯维加斯萨斯,洛杉矶佩科斯。)

14. You cannot beat a river into submission. (翻译:抽刀断水水更流 You cannot beat a river into submission.)

15. You and me on the Charles River. (翻译:You and me on the Charles River.)


pecos river作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、pecos、rivers等。

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