pedestrian malls是什么意思 pedestrian malls的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedestrian malls是什么意思 pedestrian malls的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedestrian malls在英语中代表"徒步购物区"的意思,还有徒步购物区的意思,单词读音音标为[pedestrianmalls],pedestrian malls来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到15个与pedestrian malls相关的例句。

Pedestrian malls的中文翻译


例句:Streets are crowded, the malls are jammed, people max out their credit cards... (街上熙熙攘攘 商场里也热闹非常 人们刷爆了他们的信用卡.)


pedestrian malls一般作为名词使用,如在malls(n. 购物中心(mall的复数形式))、pedestrian(步行的)、pall malls(蓓尔美尔街(伦敦一街名,以俱乐部多出名))等常见短语中出现较多。

mallsn. 购物中心(mall的复数形式)
pall malls蓓尔美尔街(伦敦一街名,以俱乐部多出名)
shopping mallsun. 商业区林荫路\n[网络] 购物商场;旗下商场;购物中心列表
strip malls[网络] 单排商业区;条状购物中心
pedestrian accidents撞人事故
pedestrian area[网络] 行人专区;行人专用区;步行区
pedestrian barrier行人护栏
pedestrian bridgen. 人行天桥


1. Since then, a number of Unites States' cities have created pedestrian malls. (翻译:从那以后,美国的许多城市都建起了步行商业街。)

2. So I started to travel around the mid-Atlantic region filming these dead malls. (翻译:于是我开始在中大西洋地区往来, 拍摄这些倒闭的商场。)

3. And being a driver can be a bit of a nuisance, and being a pedestrian can be a bit of a nuisance in these places. (翻译:在这些地方,作为司机会有些懊恼, 而作为行人也是 不胜其烦。)

4. Positioned within a laneway and adjacent to the building lobby, the entrance is pedestrian and intimate. (翻译:餐厅位于一条巷道内,与附近大楼的大厅相连,入口便于行人,且私密。)

5. CapitaLand also manages and owns 29 retail malls in China. (翻译:在全国,凯德置地还拥有和管理着29家购物中心。)

6. And this is a great protection of a pedestrian zone, and the repurposing of some colonial cannons to do that. (翻译:这个东西对步行区起着很好的保护作用, 这真是殖民地的大炮再利用的好地方。)

7. And this is a great protection of a pedestrian zone, and the repurposing of some colonial cannons to do that. (翻译:这个东西对步行区起着很好的保护作用,这真是殖民地的大炮再利用的好地方。)

8. Ideas for reducing fossil fuel use by business vary from pedestrian to whacky. (翻译:让企业降低化石燃料用量的建议可谓形形色色,从平常到怪诞应有尽有。)

9. One of my favorite malls I've been to is in Corpus Christi, and it's called the Sunrise Mall. (翻译:我最喜欢的商场之一, 在我去过的商场里面, 是在Corpus Christi一家 名叫日出商场的地方。)

10. Tell her I was poisoned by a porcupine or punched by a pedestrian. (翻译:我不知道. 告诉她我中毒了 或者过马路被自行车撞了.)

11. The transition to a modern consumer society with its credit cards and product warranties and malls and the rest would be difficult. (翻译:从信用卡到产品保修到大型商场以及其他种种,向现代的以消费为导向的社会转型势必是困难的。)

12. A pedestrian spotted blood coming out of a parked van, called it in. (翻译:有行人看到血从一辆面包车里流出来 就报警了)

13. As he finished speaking, pedestrian A lowered his head and resumed his journey again. (翻译:说完以后,路人甲不耐烦地把头低下,又匆匆赶路去了。)

14. But everyone's bunched together because the pace is pedestrian. (翻译:但所有人都挤在了一起 因为这是走路的配速)

15. So if you can imagine, that's not happening at the malls today. (翻译:所以你能想象, 今天的任何一个商场开业 都不会再有这样的盛况了。)

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