pedicularis tahaiensis是什么意思 pedicularis tahaiensis的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedicularis tahaiensis是什么意思 pedicularis tahaiensis的中文翻译、读音、例句

pedicularis tahaiensis在中文中有"大海马先蒿"的意思,在日常中也代表"大海马先蒿"的意思,读音为[pedicularistahaiensis],pedicularis tahaiensis常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到50个与pedicularis tahaiensis相关的例句。

Pedicularis tahaiensis的释义


例句:It was like an ICU unit in the water. (这好象是水中的重症监护室。这好象是水中的重症监护室。)


pedicularis tahaiensis一般作为名词使用,如在Pedicularis tahaiensis(n. 大海马先蒿)、pedicularis([网络] 马先蒿属;马先蒿属一种;蒿类)、Pedicularis abrotanifolia(n. 蒿叶马先蒿)等常见短语中出现较多。

Pedicularis tahaiensisn. 大海马先蒿
pedicularis[网络] 马先蒿属;马先蒿属一种;蒿类
Pedicularis abrotanifolian. 蒿叶马先蒿
Pedicularis achilleifolian. 蓍草叶马先蒿
Pedicularis aloensis[网络] 阿洛马先蒿
Pedicularis alopecurosn. 狐尾马先蒿
Pedicularis altaican. 阿尔泰马先蒿
Pedicularis altifrontalisn. 高额马先蒿
Pedicularis amplituban. 丰管马先蒿
Pedicularis anasn. 鸭首马先蒿


1. Few communicate more musically ... than lar gibbons in the forests of Thailand. (翻译:泰国森林里的白手长臂猿 可说是灵长类中音律沟通的高手)

2. Well, I hate to foil your evil plan and run, but ta-ta! (翻译:我不想破坏你邪恶的计划 然后跑掉,但是再见!)

3. Let me tell you, in addition to Ta-f my Xu outside (翻译:in addition to Ta -f my Xu outside)

4. - Dr. Paley to ICU, please. (翻译:Paley to ICU. Dr. Paley to ICU, please.)

5. Portugal's PED score also worsened by a full point. (翻译:葡萄牙的PED得分也上升了10个百分点。)

6. Hospital said she was in ICU. (翻译:医院说她在重症监护室 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Hospital said she was in ICU.)

7. As he was reading , a car key with a tag ped from the back of the Bible. (翻译:在他看,车钥匙,用天线从圣经的背面的标记。)

8. She was an ICU nurse, married to an insurance salesman, 3 kids. (翻译:ICU的护士 嫁给保险销售员 有3个孩子)

9. Yow! Ped, the time of rollerblades is coming. (翻译:哟 小贝 直排轮的时代 is coming)

10. Is the boss of this company Ta-f Xu? (翻译:这间公司的老板是不是徐大富? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Is the boss of this company Ta -f Xu?)

11. PED's could be used to determine the incidence of taxes and the demand response to the increase prices. (翻译:承压设备指令用于支配税收的影响范围和价格上涨的需求的反应。)

12. # Des fois tu crois voir ta chance tourner (翻译:∮ Des fois tu crois voir ta chance tourner ∮)

13. Finish your cigarette quietly. (翻译:Termines tranquillement ta cigarette.)

14. Now boarding for Wei Hai, China. (翻译:开往中国威海的船即将出发 请乘客们准备搭乘)

15. I rushed to NUH ICU to see you immediately after lesson. (翻译:我课后马上冲到NUH icu看你。)

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