pellitories是什么意思 pellitories的中文翻译、读音、例句

pellitories是什么意思 pellitories的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:It had become obvious from quite early in the Campaign that the Labour Party did not pose a serious threat to the Tories. (竞选初期,形势就相当明朗,工党对保守党构不成大的威胁。)


例句:At the time he was writing, new inventions in fac tories were turning out wealth on a scale undreamt of by previous generations. (在他写作的年代,工厂里的新发明正在生产出以往世代梦想不到的财富。)


例句:The Tories' timing is canny. (保守党在选择时机上很精明。)


例句:kind of existence with never a pause; a pell - mell dash for the train. (翻译:永不停歇的匆忙、混乱的生活方式;急急忙忙赶火车。)


pellitories一般作为名词使用,如在wall pellitories(wall pellitory\n[复数]-ries 【植物】墙草属(Parietaria)植物;药用墙草)等常见短语中出现较多。

wall pellitorieswall pellitory\n[复数]-ries 【植物】墙草属(Parietaria)植物;药用墙草


1. The Tories' timing is canny. (翻译:保守党在选择时机上很精明。)

2. kind of existence with never a pause; a pell - mell dash for the train. (翻译:永不停歇的匆忙、混乱的生活方式;急急忙忙赶火车。)

3. It helps that, as part of their deal with the Liberal Democrats, the Tories ditched their quixotic bid to repatriate powers from the EU. (翻译:作为与自民党协议的一部分,这不无帮助。保守党抛弃原来不切实际的目标已重拾在欧盟的权利。)

4. The money saved will help expand and strengthen the federal Pell Grant program. (翻译:节省下来的这些钱将用于扩大和加强联邦佩尔助学金计划的实施。)

5. Moulton insisted that he did not seek or receive any benefits from the Tories as a result of his financial largesse. (翻译:默尔顿坚称他没有为他对保守党的资助寻求或获得任何利益。)

6. The defeated soldiers retreated pell-mell. (翻译:败兵仓皇退却。)

7. The bias against the Tories will be less this year, as most constituencies in England and Wales have had their boundaries redrawn. (翻译:由于英格兰和威尔士的大部分选区重新划分了界限,今年对于托利党的偏见将更少。)

8. Mr Cameron set out to rebrand the Tories as kinder and greener. It worked. (翻译:卡麦隆着手重塑保守党的形象,使其更加友善和环保。)

9. Moreover, all the signs are that the new intake of backbench Tories will be bursting for a row over Europe. (翻译:此外,一切都表明,托利党将吸纳更多新人加入后座议员的行列,遍布欧洲。)

10. Just five years ago the notion that Wired, a trendy technology magazine, would laud the Tories as online pioneers would have been fanciful. (翻译:就在xx年前,时尚技术杂志《连线》会赞美托利党人是联机先锋的想法还很可笑。)

11. Mr. Pell huddled in a corner with his notebook on his knees. (翻译:佩尔先生缩在一个角落里,笔记本放在膝盖上。)

12. At around 3pm, Deputy Pell says he arrested the three boys for speeding. (翻译:副警长佩尔说下午三时拘捕了三名超速行驶的男孩)

13. Life is like an onion: You pell it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. (翻译:生活像一个洋葱,你只能一层一层的把它剥开,有时你还得流泪。)

14. Such a package would mean that the Tories, in particular, had to jettison pledges, notably over pensioner freebies. (翻译:这一揽子改革意味着保守党不得不放弃以往的承诺,特别是对领取养老金者的免费午餐。)

15. But for the Tories we would be, working side by side with the Germans, (翻译:但是在保守党看来 我们应该, 与德国人不断竞争,)



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