mertensii是什么意思 mertensii的中文翻译、读音、例句

mertensii是什么意思 mertensii的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Deliver LU phase II AOP NCB target and distribution target. (呈交区域AOP阶段II非碳酸目标和分解目标)

例句:Tens of millions of war refugees, more than a billion people live in extreme poverty. (上千万战争难民 Tens of millions of war refugees, 十亿多人生活在极度贫困之中 more than a billion people live in extreme poverty.)


mertensii一般作为名词使用,如在longirostrum mertensii(梅顿氏鲹)等常见短语中出现较多。

longirostrum mertensii梅顿氏鲹


1. But between you and Mer- She's organized, people like her, people trust her. (翻译:但是在你和Mer之间 她更能组织 人们喜欢她 信任她)

2. Mer, you, um, you prep him, And April and I are gonna go find teddy. (翻译:Mer 你安顿好他 April和我去找Teddy)

3. When mer called,she said you were moving on.Have you... (翻译:Mer打给我说你已经重新开始了 你真的...)

4. Simplified software economics model — i.e., based on COCOMO ii. (翻译:简化的软件经济模型——例如,基于COCOMO ii。)

5. Contains a poison called Meriasol. (翻译:含有一种叫Meríasol的毒物 类似毒芹)

6. You didn't take the rope and climbing gear from the Japanese team on Trango Tower- (翻译:你在Trango Tower - -Trango II时)

7. When that Apple II came out, it really could do nothing. (翻译:当那个Apple II 问世时,它真的什么都做不了。)

8. What if there are tens or hundreds of locators in the test code? (翻译:万一这段测试代码里面有几十上百个定位器怎么办? )

9. II [laughing, indistinct chatter] II II (翻译:[笑待续] [笑,模糊的喋喋不休] [安静的叹息])

10. Meriasol is poisonous to humans, not to birds. (翻译:Meríasol只对人类有毒 对鸟类无害 该毒素来自它们吃的浆果)

11. You are such a buffoon, Mer-Bear. (翻译:You are such a buffoon, Mer -Bear.)

12. I was coming back from a big food distribution in a mosque where tens and tens of people were squatting in terrible conditions. (翻译:我从一个 大批发放食物的清真寺回来 那里收容的十几个人 身体状况都很糟糕 )

13. Hey, this has been fun, Mer-Bear. (翻译:嘿 和你喝酒很开心 小熊熊 之后再聚 Hey, this has been fun, Mer)

14. II [indistinct chatter] II (翻译:当你回到你的无理。[惚喋喋不休] 毫米。)

15. And then the vault was an old Mark II Remington. (翻译:地下室是老式Mark II Remington系统)

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