perched是什么意思 perched的中文翻译、读音、例句

perched是什么意思 perched的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:perched on/above,表示“栖息于/在…之上”。

短语:perch oneself,表示“使自己栖息”,也可以表示“来到一个高处”。



1. The bird perched on the branch and chirped happily.


2. The cat was perched on the window sill, watching the world outside.


3. The village was perched on the top of the hill, overlooking the valley below.


4. The eagle perched high on a rock, scanning the terrain below.


5. The tourists perched themselves on the edge of the cliff to take a photo.





1. The bird was perched on the branch, singing sweetly. (那只鸟儿栖息在树枝上,甜美地唱着歌。)

2. The old house perched on the top of the hill, overlooking the valley below. (那座老房子坐落在山顶上,俯瞰下面的山谷。)

3. The mountaineer perched on a narrow ledge, taking a break before continuing the climb. (登山者坐在一个狭窄的岩壁上,休息片刻后再继续攀登。)




例句:Before lessons can be drawn from critters perched on the lower rungs of the evolutionary ladder, their behaviour must first be understood. (想要从低等生物上获得研究结果,首先得了解他们的行为。)


例句:As a frog sat at the bottom of a well, a little bird flew over and perched on the well's edge. (一只青蛙坐在井里,一只小鸟飞过来,落在井边上。)


例句:Perched on top of the fencing is a network of 900 surveillance cameras to detect intrusions. (围栏顶部是一个由900个监控摄像头组成的网络,用来探测入侵。)


例句:Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff. (翻译:很久以前,在一个峭壁上有一个鹰巢,里面住着一只小鹰。)


perched一般作为名词使用,如在perched aquifer(表层含水层)、perched basin(坡栖盆地)、perched block(坡栖岩块)等常见短语中出现较多。

perched aquifer表层含水层
perched basin坡栖盆地
perched block坡栖岩块
perched boulder坡栖岩块
perched groundwater
perched karst[地质] 悬挂岩溶
perched lake滞水湖
perched river悬河
perched rock坡栖岩块


1. Perched on top of the fencing is a network of 900 surveillance cameras to detect intrusions. (翻译:围栏顶部是一个由900个监控摄像头组成的网络,用来探测入侵。)

2. Once upon a time there was a baby eagle living in a nest perched on a cliff. (翻译:很久以前,在一个峭壁上有一个鹰巢,里面住着一只小鹰。)

3. My Malagasy guide, Marie Razafindrasolo, finds the source of the sound perched on a branch. (翻译:我的马达加斯加导游,MarieRawafindrasolo,在一根树枝上找到了这个声音的来源。)

4. There are three types of aquifers: perched, unconfined, and confined. (翻译:含水层有三种形态,分别是上层滞水、潜水和承压水。)

5. There's a man perched on the ledge, 10 feet in front of us. (翻译:我们前面10英尺的暗礁上... 坐着个人)

6. immortelles . a bird sat tamely perched on a poplar branch . like stuffed. (翻译:一只鸟儿驯顺地栖在白杨树枝上,宛如制成的标本似的。)

7. The caprock of the hard Slick Rock Member of the Entrada Sandstone is perched upon a pedestal of mudstone. (翻译:在硬盘斯利克罗克成员恩特拉德砂岩盖层是建立在对泥岩座栖息。)

8. I don't really feel comfortable sitting here pretending like the elephant perched on the corner of my desk isn't there. (翻译:所以我不能与你坐在这里 假装,这不是一个问题。)

9. It's like being in an eagle's nest, perched above the void... in the middle of nowhere. (翻译:这就像在一个老鹰的巢,\虚空之上Nperched是... 在蛮荒之地。)

10. Good-looking, lovely hair perched on his head like an exceptionally attractive loaf of bread? (翻译:面容英俊 头发可爱 就像一块其香无比的面包?)

11. With the carton perched on his head, the porter led me through the vast, densely packed concourse and into the waiting salon. (翻译:搬运工把箱子顶在头上,引领我穿过了宽敞而拥挤的广场进入候车厅。)

12. Whitlock was perched on the sill of the room's only window. (翻译:惠特洛克栖息在房里惟一窗子的窗台上。)

13. Perched high above the valley, an observation post here could see everything that moved for miles around. (翻译:被高高置于山谷之上, 这里的一个观察哨能看到 方圆几英里移动的一切东西)

14. Perched beside the dusky, heavy-lidded Abdullatif, he looked like an egret about to snack on a lizard. (翻译:他站在皮肤黝黑、眼皮松弛的阿布杜拉提夫旁,像一只正要捕食蜥蜴的白鹭。)

15. In the old days, you could sit perched on your tree branch and watch the big cats from a safe distance. (翻译:以前 可以悠闲地坐在树枝上 In the old days, you could sit perched on your tree branch 远远的就能看到大型猫科动物 and watch the big cats from a safe distance.)



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