mesarch是什么意思 mesarch的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesarch是什么意思 mesarch的中文翻译、读音、例句

mesarch在英语中代表"植中始式的、植"的意思,其中文解释还有"中性演替序列"的意思,在线发音:['mezɑ:k, mes-],mesarch常被用作形容词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到74个与mesarch相关的句子。



例句:The door codes are the same for 10 years. Already forgotten? (xx年来一直相同的密码 你忘了吗 Les mêmes codes que depuis 10 ans.)


例句:However, both ARCH and GARCH model don't take the structural changes of volatility into consideration. (然而,无论是GARCH还是其他ARCH类模型都没有考虑到波动的结构变换问题。)


例句:Arch Devil of the Black Delights. (黑暗快乐的大魔鬼 Arch Devil of the Black Delights.)


例句:Do keep a grip and never crack stiff upper lip and arch the back (翻译:Do keep a grip and never crack 气定神闲,精神焕发 Stiff upper lip and arch the back 沉着冷静,弯腰鞠躬)


mesarch一般作为形容词使用,如在mesarch sere(中生演替系列)、mesarch xylem(中始式木质部)等常见短语中出现较多。

mesarch sere中生演替系列
mesarch xylem中始式木质部


1. Arch Devil of the Black Delights. (翻译:黑暗快乐的大魔鬼 Arch Devil of the Black Delights.)

2. Do keep a grip and never crack stiff upper lip and arch the back (翻译:Do keep a grip and never crack 气定神闲,精神焕发 Stiff upper lip and arch the back 沉着冷静,弯腰鞠躬)

3. And what we tried was this; here is a device called the Cadwell Model MES10. (翻译:而我们这里有一个卡德韦尔模型MES10设备,它就是我们根据这一原理做出来的医疗仪器 )

4. He went under a brick arch. (翻译:他从一座砖拱门下面走过。)

5. That is a foi led arch. (翻译:那是有叶形饰物之拱门。)

6. Before I go back to my village, (翻译:回乡安葬我父母之前 Avant de retourner dans mon village pour enterrer mes parents,)

7. First Arch Wheeler dying alone up there, then Boyd Chatwin. (翻译:Arch Wheeler一个人死在那,接着是)

8. To position the arch, ligating the arch and contouring anterior band. Design of end sawtooth. (翻译:用于夹持弓丝插入颊面管中、结扎丝、前牙带环成形。末端锯齿设计。)

9. I apologize in due form. Yes? (翻译:我想你们道歉 行不 Je vous présente mes excuses, OK?)

10. Old fella always talking about this monster fish he had seen in that lake. (翻译:Arch见过湖里的那条大鱼,许多老人也经常这件事)

11. Ohh, you have an arch-enemy. (翻译:一个碰巧是我头号敌人的陌生人 哦,你还有头号敌人啊)

12. Arch, I need to know if you think I'll ever be good at this. (翻译:Arch 我想知道你觉得我能不能胜任这个)

13. - Okay, but the bricks in the tattoo arch have Roman numerals etched into them, see? (翻译:- Okay, but the bricks 拱门的砖块上面 in the tattoo arch have Roman numerals 刻有罗马数字 看见了吗?)

14. They walked together through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard. (翻译:他们一起走过拱门,来到了铺着鹅卵石的庭院。)

15. Mes amis, nous allons jouer la specialite de la maison. (翻译:Mes amis, nous allons jouer la spécialité de la maison.)

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