perigynia是什么意思 perigynia的中文翻译、读音、例句

perigynia是什么意思 perigynia的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Now that we've figured out the ancient Greek meaning of pneumonia, we can stick it together with peri to get the peripheumon-their word for a lung problem. (既然我们弄明白古希腊语单词 pneumon 的意思了,我们就可以把它与前缀 peri 组合到一起,得到单词 peripheumon ——古希腊人用它来指称肺部病症。)


例句:NIA exists solely for the purpose of educating Americans to the truth about the U. (NIA的成立是为了向美国人民介绍美国经济和通货膨胀的真相。)


1. Peri - operative nursing care of patients underwent sella turcica area tumor resection through superciliary arch approach (翻译:经眉弓入路行蝶鞍区肿瘤切除术病人围手术期护理)

2. Decreasing expression of adhesion molecules in peri-intracerebral hemorrhage fuci by naloxone (翻译:纳洛酮引起大鼠脑出血灶周围粘附分子表达减少)

3. That Rue Chabrol wasn't near here and to get a bus to Place Peri. (翻译:我跟他说夏布洛街不在这儿 他得坐汽车到加布里耶尔·佩里广场)

4. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free! (翻译:请告诉每个你认识的人免费成为NIA的会员。)

5. Actress and director Nia Vardalos said: "My New Year's resolution list usually starts with the desire to lose between 10 and 3,000 pounds." (翻译:女演员兼导演妮娅·瓦达拉斯曾说:“我的新年决心清单的第一条,往往是减肥10磅至3,000磅。” )

6. This circuit is implemented on a monolithic chip, which is comprised of a period time sampling unit, a peri-od distanee preset unit, an arithmetic unit, a clock and time sequence unit. (翻译:电路主要由周期计时电路、周期数据预置电路、运算电路及时钟和时序等电路构成。)

7. The NIA is able to detect three types of biosignals generated by your brain, facial muscles and eye muscles via a special headband. (翻译:NIA能够通过一种特殊的头带检测出由大脑、面部肌肉和眼部肌肉产生的三种生物信号。)

8. I can't distinguish peri from postmortem damage until all the metals have been removed. (翻译:Τр┮Τ妮簿埃 иだ侩玡㎝端)

9. To observe the clinical effect on peri-climacteric syndrome of kidney Yin deficiency type treated with Qinggu Powder. (翻译:观察清骨散治疗围绝经期综合征肾阴亏虚型的临床疗效。)

10. Please tell everybody you know to become members of NIA for free! (翻译:请告诉每个你认识的人免费成为NIA的会员。)

11. NIA believes the time is appropriate to raise interest rates now. (翻译:NIA认为现在是合适的时机来提高利率。)

12. Please tell Nia the general has led all his best soldiers towards us. (翻译:请一定要转告大姐 总捕头率州府精锐,倾巢而出)

13. Reconstructing new animal model of peri-delivery hypoxia-ischemia brain damage by ligaturing bilateral uterine arteries of pregnant mouse (翻译:结扎孕鼠双侧子宫动脉复制围产期缺氧缺血性脑损伤动物模型)

14. That's my best friend, Aaron, getting fIirt-punched by Nia for the first time. (翻译:这是我最好的朋友,亚伦 这是他第一次跟尼娅打情骂俏)

15. Model GY Series are "Linear Displacement Transducers" employing magnetostrictive phenomena, especially the Wiedemann effect. (翻译:型号GY系列是“线性位移传感器”聘用磁致伸缩现象,特别是蝇效果。)

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