periodic field focusing是什么意思 periodic field focusing的中文翻译、读音、例句

periodic field focusing是什么意思 periodic field focusing的中文翻译、读音、例句

periodic field focusing在中文中有"周期场聚焦"的意思,作为名词时有"电"的意思,发音是[periodicfieldfocusing],periodic field focusing来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到98个与periodic field focusing相关的句子。

Periodic field focusing的中文翻译


例句:Close the field aperture now! (快关闭护盾闸口 快关闭 Close the field aperture now!)


例句:Remember in sixth grade with the field trip? (Remember in sixth grade with the field trip?)


periodic field focusing一般作为名词使用,如在focusing field(聚集场)、focusing electric field(聚焦(静)电场)、focusing field strength(聚焦场强)等常见短语中出现较多。

focusing field聚集场
focusing electric field聚焦(静)电场
focusing field strength聚焦场强
focusing magnetic field聚焦磁场
ideal focusing field想聚焦场
main field focusing主场聚焦
reversed field focusing倒向场聚焦
periodic lattice fieldun. 周期性晶格场
focusing[化] 调焦; 聚焦


1. The hikers crossed this field. (翻译:登山客们穿过那片平地 The hikers crossed this field.)

2. And this camp is focusing on that. (翻译:这件事引起了营地居民的极大关注 And this camp is focusing on that.)

3. ...down the right field line. (翻译:...在边线右边 Cano得分 ...down the right field line.)

4. Then schedule periodic reviews therafter. (翻译:然后有计划的复习。)

5. I think I'd better take her down to Palmer Field myself. (翻译:我自己带她去Palmer Field棒球场.)

6. Hammered down the right-field line. (翻译:Hammered down the right -field line. Justice!)

7. Name the first 10 elements of the periodic table. (翻译:说出元素周期表的前十个元素 Name the first 10 elements of the periodic table.)

8. The Gulag Archipelago, The Periodic Table. (翻译:“古拉格群岛”﹙索尔仁尼琴著﹚、 “周期表”﹙普利摩·李维著﹚)

9. We do that by focusing on the fundamentals. (翻译:我们这样做是基于基本原理 We do that by focusing on the fundamentals.)

10. These Settings display in the Attrs: field for the Column properties. (翻译:这些设置在Attrs: field for the column属性中显示。)

11. One way is by using the periodic table of the elements. The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms. (翻译:方法之一是使用元素周期表。元素周期表把原子的信息整齐地列表。)

12. To the washington field office. (翻译:给华盛顿办公室 to the washington field office.)

13. And that something he called a field. (翻译:他称之为场 And that something he called a field.)

14. I gotta take Anna back to Palmer Field. (翻译:我带Anna回Palmer Field.)

15. Kind of focusing on me right now. (翻译:现在还是专注于自己的事比较好 Kind of focusing on me right now.)

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