peripheral increase是什么意思 peripheral increase的中文翻译、读音、例句

peripheral increase是什么意思 peripheral increase的中文翻译、读音、例句

peripheral increase在中文中有"边缘增值"的意思,还有边缘增值的意思,发音音标为[peripheralincrease],peripheral increase在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到74个与peripheral increase相关的句子。

Peripheral increase的词典翻译


例句:I have excellent peripheral vision. (我的余光看得很远 I have excellent peripheral vision.)


peripheral increase一般作为名词使用,如在increase(增加 )、increase at(以…增长)、increase by(增加了)等常见短语中出现较多。

increase at以…增长
increase by增加了
increase in在...方面增加
increase to增长到…
increase with随…增长
no increase不可增加
on the increase正在增长
to increase增加


1. Changes in peripheral vascular angiotensin levels in renovascular hyper tensive rats (翻译:肾型高血压大鼠不同血管组织中血管紧张素的变化)

2. Why did you increase his dosage? (翻译:你为什么加大他的剂量? Why did you increase his dosage?)

3. With the increase of the bending radius, springback increase. With the increase of the thickness, springback decrease. (翻译:回弹随着弯曲半径的增加而增加,随着厚度的增加而下降。)

4. The Expression of RANTES in the Keratinocytes and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Psoriasis (翻译:银屑病角朊细胞及外周血单个核细胞RANTES的表达)

5. Fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities. (翻译:对他们的主要活动而言,筹集资金是次要的。)

6. The mechanism about peripheral edema of cerebral hematoncus is not very clear. (翻译:脑出血后血肿周围水肿的机制还不十分清楚。)

7. Effect of ciliary neurotrophic factor on the regeneration of transected peripheral nerve (翻译:睫状神经营养因子对周围神经损伤后再生的影响)

8. OPPV was not isolated from peripheral leucocytes of seropositive sheep. (翻译:从血清学阳性羊的外周血白细胞未分离到OPPV。)

9. Getulio granted the increase but dismissed Jango, because the salary increase reignited a military crisis, that exploded in a manifesto signed by 42 colonels. (翻译:热图利奥同意工资提高但解雇了杨戈, Getúlio granted the increase but dismissed Jango, 因为涨薪重燃了一场军队危机, because the salary increase reignited a military crisis, 被一份42名上校签署的宣言引爆。)

10. The serious breakdown of BRB in the peripheral retina preceded the central retina. (翻译:视网膜周围部BRB先于中央部出现严重破坏;)

11. Neurotropic Effect Mechanism of Target on Peripheral Nerve Regeneration (翻译:周围神经再生过程中靶器官的诱向性作用机制)

12. You can see an increase in temperature. (翻译:You can see an increase in temperature. 你可以感受到不断上的气温 Things are moving 这些物种)

13. The increase in monocytes was accompanied by an increase in superoxides in the blood vessels. (翻译:白细胞数量的增加是由血管中超氧化物增加引起的。)

14. Yeah, alright, then raise it, increase it... (翻译:对 听你的 就加大 Yeah, airight, then raise it, increase it...)

15. Long-term considerations mandate the increase of airfreight. (翻译:从长远考虑 应加强空运建设 Long -term considerations mandate the increase of airfreight.)

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