peritoneal crepitus是什么意思 peritoneal crepitus的中文翻译、读音、例句

peritoneal crepitus是什么意思 peritoneal crepitus的中文翻译、读音、例句

peritoneal crepitus的意思是"腹膜爆裂音",还有腹膜爆裂音的意思,发音是[peritonealcrepitus],peritoneal crepitus在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到41个与peritoneal crepitus相关的句子。

Peritoneal crepitus的词典翻译


例句:Effects of polyporus polysaccharide on activity and mRNA expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in peritoneal macrophages of mice (猪苓多糖对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞诱导型一氧化氮合酶活性及mRNA表达的影响)


peritoneal crepitus一般作为名词使用,如在peritoneal(腹膜的 )、false crepitus([医] 假咿轧音, 关节咿轧音)、joint crepitus([医] 关节咿轧音)等常见短语中出现较多。

false crepitus[医] 假咿轧音, 关节咿轧音
joint crepitus[医] 关节咿轧音
silken crepitus[医] 丝绸样咿轧音
subcutaneous crepitus皮下捻发感
peritoneal abscess[医] 腹膜脓肿
peritoneal adhesion[医] 腹膜粘连
peritoneal autoplasty[医] 腹膜被覆术
Peritoneal button[医] 腹膜纽


1. Clinical Analysis on Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma Treated with Surgery and Platin-Based Chemotherapy (翻译:手术加铂类为基础化疗治疗原发性腹膜癌临床分析)

2. Patellofemoral pain, crepitus, and locking are infrequent symptoms after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). (翻译:髌股关节疼痛,压轧感以及交锁是全膝置换术后不常见的症状。)

3. The macrophages were isolated from female rat peritoneal cavities and sperm from male rat cauda epididymis. (翻译:巨噬细胞中分离出雌性大鼠腹膜腔和精子从雄性大鼠附睾尾。)

4. Objective: To investigate the ultrastructural changes of stomata in the uremic rats undergoing peritoneal dialysis . (翻译:目的:观察在尿毒症腹膜透析条件下淋巴孔超微结构的改变。)

5. Conclusion is that no one of the listed parameters of peritoneal fluid could be considered as an endometriosis marker. (翻译:结论是,没有人列出的参数腹腔液可被视为一个子宫内膜异位症标志物。)

6. Urine as a cause of ascites is relatively unusual. This occurs when urine leaks into the peritoneal cavity as a result of bladder rupture. (翻译:由尿液造成的腹水非常少见,它几乎只发生在因为膀胱破裂导致尿液漏到腹膜腔的结果。)

7. Colonic invasion of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma. (翻译:腹腔恶性间皮瘤的结肠侵入。)

8. Palpate the lateral and medial malleoli and the base of the fifth metatarsal; crepitus ortenderness suggests a fracture. (翻译:触诊内外踝和第五跖骨基底部,如有骨擦捻发音或压痛,则提示骨折可能。)

9. Conclusion Subdural-peritoneal shunt for traumatic subdural effusion is safe, easy to perform and effective. (翻译:结论硬膜下腔-腹腔分流术治疗外伤性硬膜下积液,手术安全可靠,简单易行,效果良好。)

10. Serum CA125 is not a specific marker for ovarian carcinoma, but can be taken as a marker for peritoneal metastasis of ovarian carcinoma. (翻译:血清CA125不是卵巢癌特异性标志物,但可作为卵巢癌腹膜转移的标志。)

11. In an attempt to fix the gut in place, malrotation is inariably accompanied by malfixation in the form of peritoneal (Ladd) bands. (翻译:由于要将肠管固定到某一位置,旋转不良常常伴有腹膜系带畸形。)

12. The problem is solved by a peritoneal dialysis fluid containing substances selected from cyclonigerosyl nigerose. (翻译:含有黑曲霉糖的腹膜透析液能够解决这个问题。)

13. The Study of Application of Mathematical Mode in Cisplatin's Isotone Peritoneal Chemotherapy (翻译:数学模型在顺铂等渗性腹腔化疗中的应用研究)

14. Effects of zymosan on the production of nitric oxide and interleukin-1 in mouse peritoneal macrophages (翻译:酵母多糖对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞产生一氧化氮和白细胞介素-1的影响)

15. After the SILS port was removed, the right ureter and the small intestine for the stoma were pulled out of the peritoneal cavity. (翻译:取出SILS单孔多通道平台,一并将右侧输尿管及拟行造口的小肠输出袢带出。)

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