permuterm是什么意思 permuterm的中文翻译、读音、例句

permuterm是什么意思 permuterm的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:(Music) RM: I've seen firsthand what a good city flag can do in the case of Chicago. (RM:在芝加哥, 我亲眼看到了一面好市旗的意义。)

例句:RM: And it isn't just that people love Chicago and therefore love the flag. (RM:人们不是因爱芝加哥 而爱芝加哥市旗。)


1. And they'll send yοu a cοmputer fοrm fοr yοu tο describe yοur ideal wοman. (翻译:他们马上会寄给你一份电脑表格 询问你选择理想对象的条件)

2. RM: But what puts the Milwaukee flag over the top, almost to the point of self-parody, is on it is a picture of the Civil War battle flag of the Milwaukee regiment. (翻译:RM:然而一件事让密尔沃基市旗显得更加荒谬, 甚至到了自嘲的地步, 那就是旗上有一面内战时 密尔沃基兵团的战旗。)

3. Components to permute and combine into a dazzling array of services? (翻译:组件置换,并合并为一个令人眼花缭乱的服务? )

4. RM: It's more of a pamphlet, really, it's about 16 pages. (翻译:RM:其实更像一本小册子,大概就16页。)

5. RM: Steve isn't ready to reveal his design yet. (翻译:RM:Steve 还没准备好将市旗公之于众。)

6. In February, She saved RM100 more than he saved in January. (翻译:她xx月份的储蓄比xx月份多rm100。)

7. RM localization and VMI are the basis of JIT purchasing mode, it really achieve the aim of low inventory and flexibility management. (翻译:原材料本地化策略和供应商管理库存策略为JIT采购模式的实施奠定了基础,真正意义实现了低库存和柔性生产。)

8. WS-RM doesn't define any way for this sender to asynchronously receive ACKs. (翻译:WS - RM没有定义任何方法用来使发送方异步接收ack。)

9. HLB's first offer to buy EON Cap at RM7. 10 per share had been rejected by a previous board. (翻译:HLB值的第一个要约收购以每股RM7.10国贸第一个被否定了以前的板。)

10. RM: Before I moved to Chicago in 2005, I didn't even know cities had their own flags. (翻译:RM:xx年在我搬去芝加哥之前, 我根本不知道每个城市有自己的旗子。)

11. RM: OK, so when I moved back to San Francisco in 2008, I researched its flag, because I had never seen it in the previous eight years I lived there. (翻译:RM:在xx年当我搬回三藩市的时候, 我搜索了它的市旗, 因为在我之前住的xx年里 我从没见到过三藩市的市旗。)

12. WS-RM doesn't define any way for this sender to asynchronously receive ACKs. (翻译:WS-RM没有定义任何方法用来使发送方异步接收ACK。)

13. Then by introducing RM battery model with higher precision in describing the battery discharge, the energy model in OPNET is established. (翻译:仿真结果表明,能量建模过程实现机制是可行的且RM电池模型能更准确估算节点寿命。)

14. RM: The design of the Chicago flag has complete buy-in with an entire cross-section of the city. (翻译:RM:芝加哥市旗的设计 遍布城市各个角落。)

15. RM: Ted literally wrote the book on flag design. (翻译:RM:Ted 写了一本有关旗帜设计的书。)



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