pernio bullosus是什么意思 pernio bullosus的中文翻译、读音、例句

pernio bullosus是什么意思 pernio bullosus的中文翻译、读音、例句

pernio bullosus的意思是"大疱性冻疮",作为名词时有"医"的意思,发音是[perniobullosus],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到20个与pernio bullosus相关的句子。

Pernio bullosus的中文翻译


例句:I'd like to introduce the world's leading middleweight contender, the Bronx Bull, the raging bull. (向大家介绍中量级的拳击好手 布朗克斯公牛,发威的公牛)


例句:Sitting Bull's mind is rested and he's ready to negotiate. (他根本没开口 坐牛如今很平静 随时准备谈判)


pernio bullosus一般作为名词使用,如在pernio(冻疮 )、erythema pernio([医] 冻疮红斑, 冻疮)、lupus pernio([医] 冻疮样狼疮, 伯克氏肉样瘤)等常见短语中出现较多。

erythema pernio[医] 冻疮红斑, 冻疮
lupus pernio[医] 冻疮样狼疮, 伯克氏肉样瘤
pernio erythematosus[医] 红斑性冻疮
pernio escharoticus[医] 焦痂性冻疮
herpes circinatis bullosus[医] 疱疹样皮炎


1. NIO's nonblocking I/O mechanism is built around selectors and channels. (翻译:NIO 的非阻塞 I/O 机制是围绕 选择器和 通道构建的。)

2. You included. 20 pads per box, 100 pages per pad. (翻译:每箱有20张处方笺 每张处方笺有100页 20 pads per box, 100 pages per pad.)

3. Yet you-you continue selling me bull? (翻译:你还在这儿和我兜圈子 Yet you -you continue selling me bull?)

4. This is the first difference from NIO. (翻译:这是与nio的第一个不同之处。)

5. Bull's head the ancient Etruscans put great store in talismans engraved with representations of the head of a bull. (翻译:公牛头古代伊特·鲁里亚人对刻有公牛头的护身符极为看重。)

6. Nobody can guarantee that. (翻译:空中交通控制 per civilian and military,)

7. Nio likes Sam taking her for walk . After a walk , he always gives her a snack . It's the routine. (翻译:妞喜欢小宇带她去散步。每次散步回来,他都会给妞妞一块狗饼干。这是例行公事。)

8. One Laptop Per Child,children,design,education,entrepreneur,global issues,philanthropy,social change,technology (翻译:One Laptop Per Child,children,design,education,entrepreneur,global issues,philanthropy,social change,technology)

9. Let's hear it for the Sunday Sisters. (翻译:谢谢 S u n d a y S i s t e r s 的表演)

10. - That sounds like our pit bull. (翻译:- 似乎就是我们找的斗牛犬 - 是啊 - That sounds like our pit bull.)

11. The old bull is victorious. (翻译:老斗士胜利了 {\3cH202020}The old bull is victorious.)

12. Napster is, is bull[beep]. (翻译:难道不是吗? Napster的是,公牛[哔]。)

13. Or slaughtering a bull or a ram? (翻译:当然。或者是宰羊杀牛的 你觉得那好么?)

14. He's a real bull, this kid. (翻译:ﻑﺮﻌﺗ ﺖﻧﺃ . ﻲﺒﺼﻟﺍ ﺍﺬﻫ ،ﻲﻘﻴﻘﺣ ﺭﻮﺛ ﻪﻧﺇ .)

15. Ideally for me, it would just be like, me and a box of Red Bull. (翻译:not just big production games. me and a box of Red Bull.)

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