petit grain oil是什么意思 petit grain oil的中文翻译、读音、例句

petit grain oil是什么意思 petit grain oil的中文翻译、读音、例句

petit grain oil的意思是"橙叶油",在英美地区还有"橙叶油"的意思,单词读音音标为[petitgrainoil],petit grain oil在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到42个与petit grain oil相关的例句。

Petit grain oil的翻译


例句:Wash it, oil it, disinfect it. (去洗一下,上油消毒 Wash it, oil it, disinfect it.)


petit grain oil一般作为名词使用,如在petit grain([网络] 苦橙叶;小粒纹厚丝塔夫绸;苦橙的枝叶萃取物)、oil grain(含油种子)、petit(小的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

petit grain[网络] 苦橙叶;小粒纹厚丝塔夫绸;苦橙的枝叶萃取物
oil grain含油种子
in grain彻底, 根深蒂固
such as grain例如谷物
with the grain顺纹; 顺着纤维
petit assize[法] 小巡回法庭, 小陪审
petit average小额付费


1. And their grain offering shall be of fine flour mixed with oil, three tenths of an ephah for the bull, two tenths for the one ram. (翻译:同献的素祭用调油的细面:为一只公牛要献伊法十分之三;为一只公羊要献伊法十分之二;)

2. You burning the midnight oil? (翻译:你开夜车工作呀? You burning the midnight oil?)

3. Even before I met you, I had an instinct about you. (翻译:and l also really love olive oil for tuna.)

4. But this kid is so stubborn. (翻译:但是这小家伙这么坚定 Mais ce petit est tellement obstiné!)

5. The favorite of Maman. The little clown of Papa. (翻译:妈妈的儿子 爸爸的小丑 Le fils à sa maman, le petit clown à son papa,)

6. He only eats grain-free salmon. (翻译:-free牌的三文鱼哦 He only eats Grain -free salmon.)

7. What would happen to our oil policy? (翻译:石油政策会变成什么样? What would happen to our oil policy?)

8. With a ram prepare a grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a third of a hin of oil. (翻译:为公绵羊豫备细面伊法十分之二、并油一欣三分之一、调和作素祭。)

9. Are we aware- Because we all know that oil- oil- oil is- oil is composed of the remainders of animal life, plants and so on and so on. (翻译:巨大灾难的物质残骸 Are we aware- Because we all know that oil - oil)

10. Well, I'd say, take his sob story with a fat grain of salt. (翻译:take his sob story with a fat grain of salt.)

11. We are gong to an oil sheikdom. (翻译:We are gong to an oil sheikdom.)

12. The cost of rebuilding the Petit Goave library is estimated to be $350, 000. (翻译:重建小格亚韦图书馆的经费估计为350,000美元。)

13. Oil, Sewerage, Acid, alkali, Fat, fluidify Hydrocarbon, Strong Alkali With Grain And Etc. (翻译:适用于油污水酸碱脂,液化烃,强碱含粒介质等。)

14. disaster relief,energy,environment,green,oil,sustainability (翻译:disaster relief,energy,environment,green,oil,sustainability)

15. - We are killing for guzzoline. (翻译:- Oil wars. - We are killing for guzzoline.)

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