photocoagulate是什么意思 photocoagulate的中文翻译、读音、例句

photocoagulate是什么意思 photocoagulate的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Blood began to coagulate around the edges of the wound. (血液开始在伤口的边缘凝固。)


例句:Pasty-liquid has the advantage of high transmittance, the low coagulate -rate, the small reduce function. (它具有糊状液透明度高、凝结速度较低、退减作用小等优点。)


1. Within up to the argon ion coagulation treatment the mirror sees the entire infection to coagulate. (翻译:氩离子凝固治疗以内镜所见整个病灶凝固为止。)

2. I gave him protomine sulfate to coagulate his blood again. (翻译:我给他注射了硫酸精蛋白 来重新凝血...)

3. An enzyme that occurs in gastric juice causes milk to coagulate. (翻译:胃液中的一种酶能使乳类凝结。)

4. [whispers] find out the real answer to that question. (翻译:照片里的小伙子是谁 Who is the young fellow in the photo,)

5. Polarity in it's very nature spins in a manner that causes energy to coagulate or clump in one place and lack in another. (翻译:极性在它以一种方式旋转的特别性质中,导致能量在某处凝结或凝块,而在另一处却没有能量。)

6. Its lactic acids caused proteins to coagulate, binding into soft clumps. (翻译:这是因为羊乳里的乳酸使蛋白质凝结, 变成柔软的半固体结块。)

7. Powder rapid prototyping is such kind of rapid prototyping technology that uses energy flow to solidify or coagulate the powder materials. (翻译:粉末快速成形是一种以能量流对粉末材料进行固化或粘接成形的快速成形技术。)

8. When it's off, they're not. (翻译:这张照片是你们行动前一天拍的 This photo was taken the day of your raid.)

9. They dissolve readily in water, dilute acids, and alkalis but do not coagulate readily on heating. (翻译:组蛋白在水中很容易溶解,其水溶液呈弱酸性和碱性,加热时不立即凝结。)

10. I don't want a picture of me marrying ketchups. (翻译:听着 留着你的照片吧 Look, keep the photo.)

11. CONCLUSION: RNSP had the inhibition effect on the aggregate and coagulate function of Red blood cells, and would decrease the blood viscosities. (翻译:结论:本品对“血瘀”大鼠可抑制红细胞聚集和凝固,降低血液粘稠度和浓度,具有一定的活血化瘀作用。)

12. Objective To investigate the extraction technique of anti-coagulate active compositions (ACACs) from tannias. (翻译:目的研究地龙抗凝活性成分的提取工艺。)

13. To cause to solidify or coagulate or to undergo a process likened to solidification or coagulation. (翻译:使凝结使固化或凝结或使经历类似于固化或凝结的过程)

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