phyllis是什么意思 phyllis的中文翻译、读音、例句

phyllis是什么意思 phyllis的中文翻译、读音、例句

Phyllis是一个女性名字,也可以作为缩写词表示“Phylogenetic and Hierarchical Linking of Segments”,以下是对于Phyllis的五个方面的说明和五个中英例句:

1. 名字


例句:Phyllis is a common name given to baby girls in Greece.(Phyllis是在希腊给女婴起的常见名字。)

2. 植物学术语


例句:The phyllis of this plant is very small and pointy.(这种植物的叶子很小而且尖。)

3. 缩写词

Phyllis也可以作为缩写词,表示“Phylogenetic and Hierarchical Linking of Segments”,是一个关于植物系统学和进化的计算机程序。

例句:Phyllis is a popular software used by botanists to study plant evolution.(Phyllis是植物学家用来研究植物进化的流行软件。)

4. 电视剧

Phyllis是一部在xx年到xx年期间播出的美国情景喜剧,由Phyllis Diller主演。

例句:Phyllis Diller was the star of the 1970s TV show Phyllis.(Phyllis Diller是xx年代电视剧Phyllis的主演。)

5. 人名


例句:Phyllis has been a popular name for girls born in the United States for decades.(Phyllis多年来一直是在美国出生的女孩的常见名字。)


Phyllis是一个女性名字,在英语中常用于女性名字的命名。它源自希腊语,意思是 “绿叶”,是一种富有诗意的名字。


1. Phyllis is a beautiful name.

中文翻译: 菲利丝是一个美丽的名字。

2. Phyllis works as a nurse at the local hospital.

中文翻译: 菲利丝在当地医院当护士。

3. Phyllis and her husband just celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.

中文翻译: 菲利丝和她的丈夫刚刚庆祝了他们50周年的结婚纪念日。

4. Phyllis wrote a book about her experiences traveling the world.

中文翻译: 菲利丝写了一本书,讲述了她环游世界的经历。

5. Phyllis is an expert in the field of linguistics.

中文翻译: 菲利丝是语言学领域的专家。

6. Phyllis enjoys gardening and grows her own vegetables.

中文翻译: 菲利丝喜欢园艺,并种植自己的蔬菜。

7. Phyllis is a talented artist and has exhibited her paintings in galleries around the world.

中文翻译: 菲利丝是一位才华横溢的艺术家,曾在世界各地的画廊展出她的画作。

8. Phyllis is a devoted mother and spends lots of time with her children.

中文翻译: 菲利丝是一位热爱孩子的母亲,并花费大量时间陪伴孩子。

9. Phyllis volunteers at the local animal shelter and helps care for the animals there.

中文翻译: 菲利丝在当地的动物收容所做义工,帮助照顾那里的动物们。





1. Phyllis is my best friend from high school.(费利丝是我高中最好的朋友。)

2. The protagonist in the novel was a brave Phyllis who saved her village from disaster.(小说中的主人公是勇敢的费利丝,她拯救了村庄免于灾难。)




例句:That thing on Phyllis's neck opened up again! Phyllis I'm busy, Ma ! Too busy to help your mother with her zipper? (脖子上那玩意又爆开了!,我忙着呢,妈!忙的没工夫帮你老妈拉拉链了。)


例句:Look, Phyllis, you knew the kind of a guy I was... when you married me. (听着,菲丽丝,当初结婚的时候 你就知道我是什么样的人了)


例句:What is it? Mrs. Chandler, I'm Dick Montoya. This is Phyllis Bonaiarte. (钱德勒太太,我是迪克蒙多亚 这位是菲利斯布帕)


例句:In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis I got the job. (翻译:晚上我回来告诉菲莉丝我得到了那份工作。)


1. What is it? Mrs. Chandler, I'm Dick Montoya. This is Phyllis Bonaiarte. (翻译:钱德勒太太,我是迪克蒙多亚 这位是菲利斯布帕)

2. In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis I got the job. (翻译:晚上我回来告诉菲莉丝我得到了那份工作。)

3. Phyllis and her helpers provided us with refreshment. (翻译:菲莉丝和她的助手们为我们提供了茶点。)

4. Phyllis: It's been a difficult time for all of us. I totally understand. Now, go. (翻译:对我们来说,这都是一段难熬的时光。我完全理解。快去吧!)

5. Of course, no one told Phyllis. (翻译:no one told Phyllis.)

6. Dr. Phyllis Lee gave me my interview, and she asked me, "How would you define race?" (翻译:Phyllis Lee博士对我进行了面试 她问我:“你怎样定义种族?”)

7. I'm also known as Benny the Groin, Sammy the Schnoz EImer the Fudd, Tubby the Tuba and once as Miss Phyllis Levine. (翻译:也有人知道我是... ...本尼的腹股沟 萨米的大鼻子... ...埃尔玛的法德 托比的吐巴...)

8. For God's sake, Phyllis, we've got to find that idiot. (翻译:看在上帝的份上,菲丽丝,我们必须找到那个白痴)

9. Phyllis Rodriguez: We are here today because of the fact that we have what most people consider an unusual friendship. (翻译:菲莉斯·罗德里格斯:我们今天站在这里 是因为 我们拥有大多数认为的 不寻常的一份友情。)

10. Look, Phyllis

11. That $100,000 looked as safe for Phyllis and me... as if we had the check already deposited in the bank. (翻译:我和菲莉几乎稳获那十万元 好像支票已经存入银行)

12. Thank you, Phyllis. Joyce and I will see you again soon. We won't hibernate. (翻译:谢谢,菲利斯 我跟乔伊丝很快会再见到你,我们不会冬眠的)

13. J: Watching my little TV, and I started laughing and I said something about that Phyllis George. (翻译:我在看迷你电视机,然后我开始大笑,我说了一些关于菲利斯·乔治的事儿。)

14. You don't have to go into all of that for us, phyllis. (翻译:你不必进入 所有这一切对我们来说,亿达。)

15. Phyllis Lamphere was out of town and unavailable for comment. (翻译:菲利普斯·兰菲尔不在城里,无法置评。)

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