pilot briefing是什么意思 pilot briefing的中文翻译、读音、例句

pilot briefing是什么意思 pilot briefing的中文翻译、读音、例句

pilot briefing的中文解释是"飞行员天气咨询",在日常中也代表"飞行员天气咨询"的意思,在线读音是[pilotbriefing],pilot briefing在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到52个与pilot briefing相关的句子。

Pilot briefing的翻译


例句:General Syndulla, please report to the briefing room. (辛朵拉将军 General Syndulla, 请到指令室 please report to the briefing room.)


pilot briefing一般作为名词使用,如在briefing(传达指示会;情况介绍会;详细指示;详情介绍,“brief”的现在分词,简报;简介;情况通报会)、flight briefing(飞行员天气咨询)、flightweather briefing(飞行员天气咨询)等常见短语中出现较多。

flight briefing飞行员天气咨询
flightweather briefing飞行员天气咨询
news briefing新闻发布会
oral briefing口头简报
press briefing[网络] 新闻发布会;新闻简报会;组织新闻发布会
weather briefing气象简语
pilot in引导(船只等)…进入
pilot into引导(船只等)驶进(某处)


1. There may or may not be actual executables as part of an LCO briefing. (翻译:也许有或也许没有实际的可执行程序作为lco简报的一部分。)

2. Were you briefing your investors on Raymond Tusk? (翻译:你和你的投资者说了Raymond Tusk没?)

3. Briefing him in the middle of the FBI beehive is difficult. (翻译:在联调局严密的监视下 想跟他通气 十分困难)

4. Full briefing at 0400. On the flight line at 0530. (翻译:4点整全体参加任务通报会 5点30分登机)

5. The pilot will have trouble keeping it steady. (翻译:直升机无法稳定地飞行 The pilot will have a difficult time keeping steady.)

6. I need to talk to a pilot right now. (翻译:I need to talk to a pilot right now.)

7. Liu Jianchao: The briefing is over. Thank you. (翻译:刘建超:今天的吹风会到此结束,谢谢大家。)

8. The purpose of this briefing is what, exactly? (翻译:这次简报的目的具体是什么 The purpose of this briefing is what, exactly?)

9. Pilot to bombardier, your ship. (翻译:飞行员呼叫投弹员 请接管飞机 Pilot to bombardier, your ship.)

10. They do it from the Oval Office or the Briefing Room. (翻译:而是在总统办公室 或新闻发布室 {\3cH202020}They do it from the Oval Office or the Briefing Room.)

11. All pilots report to mission briefing in... (翻译:- 所有飞行员注意 请立即前往任务简报室报道)

12. Adults, please move to the mess hall for a briefing. (翻译:大人请到食堂听取简报 Adults, please move to the mess hall for a briefing.)

13. Top-marks pilot astronaut hero man. (翻译:顶级宇航飞行员 大英雄 Top -marks pilot astronaut hero man.)

14. Rose, forward all calls to the briefing room. (翻译:萝丝 把所有的电话转接到会议室 Rose, forward all calls to the briefing room.)

15. He was just reviewingprocedures for briefing him on answersto Parliamentary questions. (翻译:大臣在审查资料报告程序 He was just reviewingprocedures for briefing him 关于议会质询的 on answersto Parliamentary questions.)

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