metal power electrode是什么意思 metal power electrode的中文翻译、读音、例句

metal power electrode是什么意思 metal power electrode的中文翻译、读音、例句

metal power electrode在中文中有"金属粉末焊条"的意思,其次还有"金属粉末焊条"的意思,读音为[metalpowerelectrode],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到37个与metal power electrode相关的句子。

Metal power electrode的释义


例句:Electrolyzing anode material used in the invention is inert electrode such as graphite or cermet or metal alloy preferably. (本发明使用的电解阳极材料优选为石墨或金属陶瓷、金属合金等惰性电极。)


metal power electrode一般作为名词使用,如在electrode metal(电极合金)、metal electrode([化] 金属电极)、metal power([网络] 金属动力)等常见短语中出现较多。

electrode metal电极合金
metal electrode[化] 金属电极
metal power[网络] 金属动力
power metal[网络] 强力金属;力量金属;能量金属
metal electrode bar金属电极棒
metal electrode welding[网络] 金属及电弧焊
metal oxide electrode[化] 金属氧化物电极
noble metal electrode贵金属电极
power supply electrode[电] 供电电极


1. We need to leave the metal in. (翻译:得把金属片留在伤口里 We need to leave the metal in.)

2. This was slow and inefficient, with metal wires limiting data rates and power lost as wasted heat. (翻译:这种方式慢而低效, 金属线限制了数据传输速率, 而且电线发热造成功率损耗。)

3. The power of the darkness. (翻译:黑暗的力量 The power of the darkness.)

4. Voice, the knockout round. (翻译:Monique Abbadie将带来 《The Power of Love》)

5. There is power power wonder-working power (翻译:力量啊 多么神奇的力量 There js power, power Wonderful power)

6. ♪ Something in it had a power ♪ (翻译:# 力量蕴含其中 # # Something in it had a power #)

7. I don't think so They were great - Really delicious They were good (翻译:[Metal Letter Clanging])

8. We will soon use it to turn clay into pottery, metal into weapons, water into steam power. (翻译:我们往后会借助它的力量, 化泥土为陶器, 化金属为武器, 化水为蒸汽动力.)

9. A freeware program to estimate the Horse Power needed to make a machining cut in metal, written by Jim Tuttle. (翻译:一个免费的计划,估计马力需要做出削减金属加工撰写的吉姆塔特尔。)

10. And you're only getting power from the air that's heating at the same time, but you're wasting all the energy heating the metal and cooling the metal. (翻译:可是每次地,你只利用了被加热的空气的能量, 于是也就浪费了所有用来加热和冷却金属的那部分能量)

11. By working at higher temperatures, they can release the power of this ancient metal. (翻译:每当在高温下工作, 他们便能发挥出这些古老金属的真本领.)

12. You trust him with that kind of power? (翻译:You trust him with that kind of power?)

13. ♪ and i'll feel the power ♪ (翻译:♪And I will feel the power♪)

14. In the Ohmic contacts of LED electrodes, carriers have different transmission mechanisms be- tween metal electrode and semiconductor. (翻译:在LED电极欧姆接触中,载流子在金属电极和半导体间有不同的传输机制。)

15. Power politician leaning to the right (翻译:Power politician leaning to the right)

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