pkl是什么意思 pkl的中文翻译、读音、例句

pkl是什么意思 pkl的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义与用法方面


在Python中,可以通过'import pickle'来导入'pickle'模块,并利用其中的'dump'、'load'、'dumps'和'loads'等函数来实现数据的序列化和反序列化。'pkl'在数据处理、机器学习和人工智能等领域中被广泛使用,可以有效地保存和传输Python对象。

2. 优缺点方面


3. 应用领域方面



1. I have pickled some cucumbers and they taste delicious. (我腌制了一些黄瓜,味道很不错。)

2. We can use the pickle module to serialize and deserialize Python objects. (我们可以使用pickle模块对Python对象进行序列化和反序列化。)

3. The saved pkl file can be loaded and used for further prediction. (保存的pkl文件可以加载并用于进一步预测。)

4. We need to be careful when using the pickle module to ensure data security. (在使用pickle模块时,我们需要小心,确保数据安全。)

5. The pkl file is too large to be transmitted over the network, we need to use other formats. (pkl文件太大了,无法通过网络传输,我们需要使用其他格式。)

'pkl'是一种文件格式,通常用于Python语言中保存数据。其全称为'Python Pickle',是一种用于序列化(即将对象转换成二进制数据)和反序列化(即将二进制数据转换成对象)Python对象的协议。




1. 我们将从网络上下载一个叫做'model.pkl'的文件,其中包含了预训练的机器学习模型。

Translation: We will download a file called "model.pkl" from the internet, which contains a pre-trained machine learning model.

2. 我们需要将Python对象序列化成'pkl'格式以便于存储和共享。

Translation: We need to serialize Python objects into 'pkl' format for storage and sharing.




例句:He and his best friend, Senior Inspector KL Cheung, solved many critical cases using hypnosis. (他和他好朋友张国亮警司 凭他的催眠手法破了几宗大案子)


例句:Subject 89P13, drop your weapon. (编号89P13号 放下你的武器 Subject 89P13, drop your weapon.)


例句:Peter Markovics, composer. (Péter Markovics, 作曲家)


例句:Itdescribedaprotocolthat usedpeer-to-peernetworking, proofofwork andpublickeycryptography. (翻译:它建立在P2P, 工作量正明,以及公钥加密系统之上)


1. Peter Markovics, composer. (翻译:Péter Markovics, 作曲家)

2. Itdescribedaprotocolthat usedpeer-to-peernetworking, proofofwork andpublickeycryptography. (翻译:它建立在P2P, 工作量正明,以及公钥加密系统之上)

3. Deployment management — Sample RFP requirements. (翻译:部署管理——RF P需求示例。)

4. Check out the PSP Top 200, an online ranking directory of PSP sites. (翻译:查看PS p Top 200,一个在线的PS p站点排行目录。)

5. Her W-2, the address is a PO box. (翻译:the address is a P. O. Box.)

6. P-P-Parker, the lasers are on! (翻译:P -P -Parker 激光打开了 别动)

7. This is KL 75263. Get me Bowling Green 91099. (翻译:这里是KL75263 请帮我接BG91099)

8. It would take millions. But of course, what I'm describing is P2P file sharing. (翻译:但当然,我刚才不过是在描述P2P文件共享的一些特性 )

9. Click on the SFTP TAB. (翻译:单击sft p选项卡。)

10. We can trace the i.P. Path the hack followed, (翻译:P. 地址追踪到其他的黑客 we can trace the I. P.)

11. ## Hand a double-O-P, said crank it up ## (翻译:[H and a double -o -p, said crank it up])

12. They're so dumb at that age. (翻译:me and the quiffy - 我们可以3P)

13. Service: Submitting and managing PMRS. (翻译:服务:提交和管理P mr。)

14. We accomplished that this morning by encasing him in a block of KL93, a new plastic material stronger than steel. (翻译:我们今天早上将他封在KL9S的盒子里 一种比钢还硬的新型塑料)

15. These setpoints can be adjusted via control parameters P03 and P04. (翻译:这些设定点可以通过调整控制参数P 03和P 04。)

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