planned on是什么意思 planned on的中文翻译、读音、例句

planned on是什么意思 planned on的中文翻译、读音、例句

planned on的意思是"想要",还有想要的意思,在线发音:[plannedon],planned on是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到96个与planned on相关的句子。

Planned on的释义


例句:Everything had been carefully planned. (一切都经过精心策划。Everything had been carefully planned.)


planned on一般作为名词使用,如在not planned([网络] 事先没有计划的;未计划的;整理好)、planned(a. 计划了的, 预定的, 根据计划的, 有组织的\n[法] 有计划的, 计划的, 有秩序的)、planned adjustment([经] 计划调节)等常见短语中出现较多。

not planned[网络] 事先没有计划的;未计划的;整理好
planneda. 计划了的, 预定的, 根据计划的, 有组织的\n[法] 有计划的, 计划的, 有秩序的
planned adjustment[经] 计划调节
planned agriculture计划性农业
planned ahead[网络] 计划未来
planned availability计画可用性
planned balance事先平衡
planned birth计划生育
planned budget[经] 事先安排的预算, 计划预算


1. Don planned a beautiful night for us on Monday. (翻译:唐给我们策划了完美的二人之夜 {\3cH202020}Don planned a beautiful night for us on Monday.)

2. Dave,I planned this all week. (翻译:Dave ,我计划了一个星期 Dave,I planned this all week.)

3. You see, at the scene of every attack sumida planned... (翻译:每一起Sumida策划的袭击... You see, at the scene of every attack Sumida planned...)

4. We may have to put them off before we planned. (翻译:我们可能要提早遣散水兵 We may have to put them off before we planned.)

5. Everything was planned in fastidious detail. (翻译:样样都一丝不苟地计划好了。)

6. They planned to return to Montreux in the spring. (翻译:他们计划春天再回到蒙特勒。)

7. Planned capacity: 720 megawatts (翻译:计划容量: 720兆瓦 )

8. At first, the studio planned to have someone else record the vocal. (翻译:At first, the studio planned to have someone else record the vocal. 起初,公司打算用别人来配音)

9. All right, look, she obviously planned it. (翻译:she obviously planned it.)

10. It was clearly an elaborately planned operation. (翻译:这显然是一次经过周密策划的行动。)

11. The operation will still go ahead as planned but it will be too late for us to know anything about it. (翻译:但是这项行动依然会按计划进行 The operation will still go ahead as planned)

12. * This was never the way I planned (翻译:*我没想到会是这般模样* *This was never the way I planned,*)

13. And come with me to the altar see the Kingdom as you plan (翻译:And come with me to the altar, save the kingdom as you planned 携手步入礼堂,共同治理国家)

14. Everything will play out exactly like we planned. (翻译:一切都会依计划进行的 Everything will play out exactly like we planned.)

15. The Foreign Secretary described the incident as regrettable, but no action is planned. (翻译:外交大臣对此事表示遗憾 The Foreign Secretary described the incident as regrettable, 但并未计划采取行动 but no action is planned.)

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