plastiponics是什么意思 plastiponics的中文翻译、读音、例句

plastiponics是什么意思 plastiponics的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The incident occurred at approximately 8 p.m. last night on the northbound tracks of the Cathedral Heights Metro station. (事故发生于昨晚八点左右 The incident occurred at approximately eight p. m. last night)


1. p provides the PID. (翻译:p 提供 PID。)

2. It is also the third largest financial sector listing globally, behind Bankia and Vallares. (翻译:这起IPO也是全球第三大宗金融业IPO,仅次于Bankia和Vallares。)

3. With the development of stock market, the(degree) of the underpricing of IPO will be lowed. (翻译:随着股票市场的发育程度的提高,IPO的抑价程度会降低; )

4. You know, last time was the last time. (翻译:the last time was the last time.)

5. Also, Asian regulators have imposed lockups on transactions involving pre-IPO financing. (翻译:而且,亚洲监管机构都对IPO之前的融资交易设定了锁定期。)

6. The NICs monitor seasonal influenza circulation for the WHO through the Global Influenza Surveillance Network. (翻译:各个国家流感中心通过全球流感监测网为世界卫生组织检测季节性流感的传播。)

7. OGX, the Brazilian oil and gas company, priced the biggest emerging market IPO this year, raising $4. 1bn last month. (翻译:巴西石油和天然气公司OGX成为今年新兴市场规模最大的一宗IPO,于上月融资41亿美元。)

8. Heren said the forward price for this winter is 38.12p compared with 101.28p last year. (翻译:她还说,今年冬天天然气的价格是每千卡38.12英镑,而去年该季节的价格为101.28英镑。)

9. Here, gave birth to China's first food IPO company and China's aquiculture IPO company. (翻译:这里诞生了中国粮食第一股、中国水产养殖第一股。)

10. These two nics are bonded together as a single NIC. (翻译:这两个网卡被绑定为一个 NIC。)

11. All right. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, E L, E, P, T, L, P, E, F, E, T, Z, E, T... (翻译:好 , E F L E P T P L E P F L E L E P T L P E F E T Z E T)

12. When can a P-2 or P-3... challenge for a spot on the field? (翻译:什么时候一个P -2级或P -3级的...)

13. Now, if you're a P-2 or a P-3, you can still get a spot... in sections that are available, so do your best. (翻译:现在,假如你是P -2或者P -3的 你仍有机会...)

14. -I still submitted them to Linus, the same way I always did before the IPO. (翻译:依然将它们提交给Linus就和IPO之前一样)

15. I managed the bad publicity around their IPO last year. (翻译:去年他们首次公开募股时 我负责应对负面宣传)

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