plivate是什么意思 plivate的中文翻译、读音、例句

plivate是什么意思 plivate的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You can't believe this? Really? It's Liv. (你不敢相信 真的 这就是丽芙 她总是想得第一)


1. Jake's been taken from d.O.J. Jurisdiction, liv. (翻译:Jake已经被带离司法部的辖区了 Liv)

2. Liv's looking for a way to send us over there so that we can find Bonnie and bring her back. (翻译:Liv在想办法送我们过去那边 找到Bonnie并带她回来)

3. Olivia. Olivia. Call me Liv. (翻译:Olivia , Olivia , 请叫我Liv)

4. You don't think that Liv— Yeah, I do. (翻译:-你不会认为是丽芙吧 -就是她 我知道是她)

5. ♪ They ate their own hats ♪ (翻译:* They ate their own hats *)

6. but they ate the algae and they ate HAB too. (翻译:他们不知道这些家伙怎么来的,不过,它们吃藻类... ...而且,它们吃掉了HAB)

7. Did you know bears like marmalade? (翻译:And ate marmalade. Did you know bears like marmalade?)

8. Thanks for looking after Liv, Dad. (翻译:谢谢照顾李维,爸爸 Thanks for looking after Liv, Dad.)

9. No, I ate at the Hob, but thank you. (翻译:不 我吃过了 谢谢 No, I ate at the Hob, but thank you.)

10. I ain't alone, as you may think I am. There's a young man hid with me in comparison with which I am an angel, and he has a secret way of getting at a boy, and at his heart, and at his liver, so that they may be roasted and ate. (翻译:as you may think I am. so that they may be roasted and ate.)

11. Usually, it's one way, but when the travelers die, (翻译:通常它是单向的 但当旅行者死的时候 Liv会施咒)

12. It was good for us that we ate it. (翻译:这对我们来说是好事,因为我们把猪吃了。It was good for us that we ate it.)

13. I told you Liv is working on a spell to keep me here. (翻译:我告诉过你了 Liv正在研究一个让我留下来的咒语)

14. These setpoints can be adjusted via control parameters P03 and P04. (翻译:这些设定点可以通过调整控制参数P 03和P 04。)

15. Eat to liv, and not live to eat. (翻译:吃饭是为了活着,活者却不是为了吃饭。)

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