marktleuthen是什么意思 marktleuthen的中文翻译、读音、例句

marktleuthen是什么意思 marktleuthen的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:SHANGHAI - Media Markt, Europe's largest consumer electronics retailer, has appointed Profero as its digital agency in China. (上海-欧洲最大的消费电子产品零售商万得城电器日前指定博斐广告为其在中国的互动广告公司。)


例句:The French UMo group contribution to new LEU fuel development (法国铀钼研究组对新型低浓铀燃料发展的贡献)


例句:LEU line side electronic unit, selector of balise telegrams to be sent by the transparent balises (道旁电子单元,选择应答器报文并发送至可变信息应答器)


marktleuthen一般作为名词使用,如在Marktleuthen([地名] 马克特洛伊滕 ( 德 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Marktleuthen[地名] 马克特洛伊滕 ( 德 )


1. LEU line side electronic unit, selector of balise telegrams to be sent by the transparent balises (翻译:道旁电子单元,选择应答器报文并发送至可变信息应答器)

2. The agency will be responsible for Media Markt's China website , paid online media, mobile campaigns and social media programmes. (翻译:该广告公司将负责万得城电器的中国网站,付费网络媒体,移动广告和社交媒体活动。)

3. Established in 1990, LEU is also a relatively new North Cyprus university. (翻译:成立于xx年,伊北塞浦路斯也是一个比较新的大学。)

4. Media Markt may need China - where else can the company find consumer spending growing at 8 per cent a year? (翻译:MediaMarkt或许需要中国——该公司还能找到其它消费者支出每年增长8%的国家吗?)

5. Is they a J. Leu anywhere in Nathan's life? (翻译:致Nathan 入此门者 了断希望 J Leu先生赠 Nathan认识一个叫J Leu的人吗)

6. Ton Wortel, chief executive officer of Media Markt China, said the company's expansion has been rapid, and is proceeding according to plan. (翻译:中国万得成总裁T说,公司的扩张将会加速,正依照计划进行。)

7. You then carried this envelope to the Clariden Leu Bank on Rue Francois-Versonnex. (翻译:你把这个信封带到了 Rue Francois -Versonnex上的瑞龙银行)

8. The group's consumer electronics sales division, Media Markt, will open a flagship store on Shanghai's fashionable Huai Hai road this year. (翻译:该公司消费电子产品销售业务MediaMarkt今年将在上海时尚的淮海路上开设一家旗舰店。)

9. Media Markt China plans to operate more than ten stores in Shanghai by 2012. (翻译:万得城计划到xx年在上海开张的门店数量超过十家。)

10. Media Markt will use Shanghai to test the Chinese market, opening ten more stores in the city by 2012. (翻译:MediaMarkt将利用上海来试水中国市场,在xx年前,将在这座城市再开设10家门店。)

11. Today, HEU could be substituted with LEU (low-enriched uranium) in practically all civilian applications. (翻译:今天在几乎所有的民用工程中,高浓缩铀都可以用低浓缩铀来取代。)

12. Media Markt China plans to operate more than ten stores in Shanghai by 2012. (翻译:万得城计划到xx年在上海开张的门店数量超过十家。)

13. The direct path coefficients of Glu and Leu on protein content were 1.99 and -1.83, respectively. (翻译:对蛋白质直接正向和负向效应最大的分别是谷氨酸和亮氨酸,直接通径系数分别为1.99和-1.83。)

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