pneumobronchotomy是什么意思 pneumobronchotomy的中文翻译、读音、例句

pneumobronchotomy是什么意思 pneumobronchotomy的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:From 9 o'clock to 11:35 p.m. (昨晚都在Jefferson 公园见到过她 从9点钟到 11: 35)


例句:You've been stripped of your creds, and O.P.R.'s gonna meet you at O'Hare. (你被剥夺徽章和证件 ATF纪检部门会把 你从芝加哥奥黑尔机场带走)


1. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. (翻译:一定要深入魔多 把魔戒丢到末日火山的烈焰中 p e o...)

2. If the P.O.W. Search team hears about it, we're finished! (翻译:如果让战俘搜救队的知到这些人,我们就玩完了!)

3. ## Hand a double-O-P, come on, come on ## (翻译:[H and a double -o -p, come on, come on])

4. O.J., O.J., we got to talk. (翻译:O·J 我们需要谈谈 O. J. , O.)

5. O God have pity on my soul, Jesus Christ. (翻译:主 怜悯我的灵魂 耶稣基督 O God have pity on my soul, Jesus Christ.)

6. And good evening from the G.O.P. Convention in St. Paul. (翻译:晚上好 这里是圣保罗的共和党选举人代表大会)

7. It's Poppy's favorite, it's P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P- (翻译:这是我最喜欢的水果, 水果丕丕... ...)

8. ¶ shies from the so-o-o-rrow (翻译:# shies from the so -o -o)

9. [ Beeps ] Righty-oh, righty-oh. - [Typing] - [ Beeping ] (翻译:好了,好了 O , O , O,破折分2,破折分9)

10. You think just because you were a p.O.W., you can take me on? (翻译:你以为只是因为你 是一个p. O. W.)

11. Not my will O Lord, but thine be done. (翻译:不要成就我的意思 只要成就你的意思 Not my will O Lord, but thine be done.)

12. There is not a day where I am not thinking about your father. (翻译:没有哪一天我不想着你父亲的 Y a pas un jour où je ne pense pas à votre père.)

13. One more look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh (翻译:One more look and I forget everything, o -o -o)

14. Sir, intermittent comms with Spartan O-1, but they have arrived at the O.P. (翻译:长官,与斯巴达0 -1联络的通讯时好时坏 但是他们已经报告到达了最终航路点)

15. O.P. One, this is o.P. 2. We still got nothing. (翻译:一号监视点,这里是二号点 我们还没任何发现)

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