podospheres是什么意思 podospheres的中文翻译、读音、例句

podospheres是什么意思 podospheres的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:You've nothing to do with Po Chi Lam, don't get yourself into trouble! (阿汉! 你不是宝芝林的人 不要多管闲事吧)


例句:That has po? Tische charm of filmset. (充满诗意的如电影场景般迷人的的景色尽收眼底)


1. No, not all the Chinese, only the Po Chi Lam people. (翻译:不! 不关所有中国人的事 只关宝芝林的人的事嘛)

2. That was Leung Sing-Po. the actor. (翻译:sis! That was Leung Sing -Po.)

3. In the universe there are two the main forms of objects -- spheres and disks. (翻译:宇宙包括了天体的两种基本蓝本 就是球状和碟状)

4. - Po, come on. We need you to focus! (翻译:- Po, 过来, 我们需要你集中注意力)

5. She left this, what, at a PO box? (翻译:她把这个留在邮政信箱? She left this, what, at a PO box?)

6. In other spheres of life, if people argued -- well, except possibly for politics -- but in other spheres of life, if people argued illogically, we'd say that's not a good thing. (翻译:在生活的其它方面 如果人们在争辩的时候--当然 也许不包括政治 但是在生活的其他方面 如果人们争辩地并不合逻辑 我们认为这不是好现象)

7. To do that, you'll need to infiltrate the information spheres of these democracies. (翻译:要做到这些, 就要潜入相关机构的 信息系统, )

8. It's the ultimate underdog Cinderella story, and the po' folks here is eating it up, buying up merchandise with any and everything that has to do with Kantmiss or the Starving Games. (翻译:硂琌程沧 畓η﹉甉珿ㄆ ㎝PO硂 タ帝㎡ 潦御坝珇 ヴ㎝ち 玭)

9. Blood LAA was positively correlated with tissue MPO content. (翻译:外周血laa与肺组织M PO含量呈正相关。)

10. Po, what are you doing to my customers? (翻译:阿宝 你看看你都对我的顾客们干了些什么呀)

11. This star, which modern astronomers refer to as Sirius B, the Dogon called Po Tolo. (翻译:被现代天文学家称为天狼星B的这颗星 多贡人称为 Po Tolo)

12. I was playing a kid named Walter in a movie called "Julian Po." (翻译:我在电影《Julian Po》中 扮演一个叫沃特的小孩。)

13. Po, you do hang around with Jimmy all the time, what do you think about this? (翻译:伍宝 你天天和占米在一起 这件事你怎么看?)

14. We were monitoring his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure. (翻译:我们时刻监视着他血液中PO2的含量,他的心跳率还有血压 )

15. Did you know Po Chi Lum was burned down? (翻译:宝芝林被火烧了你知不知呀? 整间舖都烧光了)

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