pollard pelletes是什么意思 pollard pelletes的中文翻译、读音、例句

pollard pelletes是什么意思 pollard pelletes的中文翻译、读音、例句

pollard pelletes在英语中代表"网络"的意思,在英美地区还有"谷糠球团"的意思,读音为[pollardpelletes],pollard pelletes常被用作名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到85个与pollard pelletes相关的例句。

Pollard pelletes的中文翻译


例句:A century later, the seedling planted by Samuel Pollard has grown into a towering tree now. (一个世纪之后,当年柏格理种下的树苗如今已长成参天大树。)


例句:I'm referring the Pollards to another law firm. (我把Pollard家族委托给 另一家事务所)


pollard pelletes一般作为名词使用,如在pollard(截去树梢的树 )、gluten pelletes(谷糠球团)、James Pollard([网络] 詹姆斯·伯拉德;詹姆斯-波拉德;前一篇詹姆斯·伯拉德)等常见短语中出现较多。

gluten pelletes谷糠球团
James Pollard[网络] 詹姆斯·伯拉德;詹姆斯-波拉德;前一篇詹姆斯·伯拉德
pollard method头木作业
Pollard script[网络] 柏格理苗文;波拉文字;柏格理苗字


1. I'm looking for information on Robbie Pollard. (翻译:我想找有关Robbie Pollard的消息)

2. Pollard continues to languish in prison. (翻译:波拉德继续在牢里受折磨。)

3. - to head out for baseball practice. - Well, thanks, Mr. Pollard. (翻译:去参加棒球赛 那么就谢谢你了,鲍兰德先生)

4. Stop it. Stop it, please, for God's sake, Pollard, OK? (翻译:停,拜托,看在上帝份上,闭嘴,波拉得,好吗?)

Mrs. Pollard. I just wanted to get out of town. I made a mistake. (翻译,鲍兰德夫人 我只想离开镇里,我犯错了)

6. And there's no record of Lauren Douglas, Kim Cummings or Sara Pollard... (翻译:没有劳拉 道格拉斯 吉姆 库明斯 或是萨拉 波拉德的纪录)

7. Ask him if Sara Pollard or any of my students ever visit Forster in prison. (翻译:然他查一下萨拉 波拉德或是任何我的学生 有去监狱访问过福斯特)

8. And I have become convinced that Pollard's sentence of life was disproportionate to his crime. (翻译:我坚信,对波拉德终身监禁的量刑与其所犯罪行不符。)

9. Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington. (翻译:亨德森记起他是在一次去华盛顿出差的途中第一次与波拉德结识的。)

10. Scot Pollard: My Valentine's Days are spent mostly just basking in Peja's glow. (翻译:波拉德:我的情人节的日子大多是用于沐浴在佩贾的辉光。)

11. Netanyahu was correct in saying that support for Pollard's release has come from a broad segment of American political and cultural life. (翻译:在谈及来自美国政治和文化生活等广泛领域对波拉德释放的支持时,内塔尼亚胡的说法是正确的。)

12. Currents drew us apart and that was the last we would see of Captain Pollard's whale boat. (翻译:水流分开了我们 那是最后一次 我们看到普奈船长的捕鲸艇)

13. Next day he moved into a pollard willow near the lake, frightening the wild ducks and the water rats. (翻译:第二天他迁进湖边一棵已经去掉树梢的杨柳树里,吓着了野鸭子和水鼠。)

14. The Pollard lab has thus far identified 202 such cases, where each is called a human accelerated regions or HAR. (翻译:Pollard实验室到目前为止确定202种这样的情况,每个被称为人类加速地区或HAR。)

15. And it's Seabiscuit at the wire to win the Santa Anita Handicap with Red Pollard aboard! (翻译:海饼干冲过终点 与瑞德一起赢得圣安妮塔大赛)

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