polkenberg是什么意思 polkenberg的中文翻译、读音、例句

polkenberg是什么意思 polkenberg的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:With Shifu gone and me pulling the strings of my little puppet Po, (师傅一走 剩下我来操纵 我傻乎乎的傀儡熊猫)


例句:I got sand all up in my toe jam running from the po-po. (我的脚趾间多的是沙子 都是躲避警察时沾的)


例句:- Po, come on. We need you to focus! (- Po, 过来, 我们需要你集中注意力)


polkenberg一般作为名词使用,如在Polkenberg([地名] 波尔肯贝格 ( 德 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Polkenberg[地名] 波尔肯贝格 ( 德 )


1. - Po, come on. We need you to focus! (翻译:- Po, 过来, 我们需要你集中注意力)

2. Every day the same thing-- Po this, po that. (翻译:每天翻来覆去就那么几句 阿宝这个 阿宝那个)

3. po-po-po-po" let's call it "Pippo" ! (翻译:那... 因为它“皮皮皮”“波波波”地叫 就叫它皮波吧!)

4. His PO logged a complaint. He never registered in Chicago. (翻译:档案显示有一次投诉记录 他没有在芝加哥注册)

5. Po, you go after him, and we'll stay with these two. (翻译:阿宝 这个就交给你了 另外两个我们会搞定的)

6. She left this, what, at a PO box? (翻译:她把这个留在邮政信箱? She left this, what, at a PO box?)

7. Look, Po entered the final race with full marks, it differs (翻译:你看,博达尔多 全部是满分进级,怎么比呢?)

8. (HORNET BUZZING) The Dai men, Po and Xue Ming, take advantage of a hunter's instincts. (翻译:傣族猎人Po与Xue Ming 利用猎人惯用的伎俩)

9. Last time i checked, po was a panda, not a goat. (翻译:上一次我看到他 阿宝还是只熊猫 不是山羊)

10. Issue PO and get acknowledgement, get NL, LTA signed, supplier delivery plan tracking. (翻译:负责PO发送与确认,与供应商签订NL以及LTA等,以及交货计划追踪。)

11. Did you know Po Chi Lum was burned down? (翻译:宝芝林被火烧了你知不知呀? 整间舖都烧光了)

12. We were monitoring his PO2 of his blood, his heart rate, his blood pressure. (翻译:我们时刻监视着他血液中PO2的含量,他的心跳率还有血压)

13. Po, he may be a monster, but he's still your father. (翻译:陕惘 坻褫夔岆跺髦粥 笋坻善菁逊岆斓啄啄陛)

14. No, not all the Chinese, only the Po Chi Lam people. (翻译:不! 不关所有中国人的事 只关宝芝林的人的事嘛)

15. Her W-2, the address is a PO box. (翻译:the address is a P. O. Box.)

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