polycystidan是什么意思 polycystidan的中文翻译、读音、例句

polycystidan是什么意思 polycystidan的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Dentigerous cyst (DC) is a common odontogenic cyst developed abnormally around unerupted maxillary or mandibular teeth. (含牙囊肿是一种常见于上下颚阻生齿周围发育异常的齿源性囊肿。)


例句:Results All 4 cases demonstrated dilation of nasolacrimal duct, a cyst in the medial canthus, and a submucosal cyst within the nasal cavity. (结果典型CT表现为单侧或双侧不同程度的鼻泪管扩张以及与之相延续的内眦区囊肿和鼻腔内黏膜下囊肿。)


1. This is possible because on some servers, this way the parameter id, as in params[: id], would be nil. (翻译:这是可能的,因为在某些服务器上,以id为参数的这种方式,如params[:id]将会是nil。)

2. Locate the application, UOW, and activity ID for the data. (翻译:定位数据的应用、UOW和活动ID。)

3. They poly YOU, kill your pet with some insane dmg, poly you again when you come back, drink and eat. (翻译:他们把你变羊,用高伤害杀掉宠物,当你恢复后再变回去,然后吃喝。)

4. Epi dermoid cyst and dermoid cyst. (翻译:表皮样囊肿与皮样囊肿。)

5. Results On MRI, extradural arachnoid cyst was demonstrated in 4, sacral arachnoid cyst in 42, extradural arachnoid neurilemma cyst in 10 and spinal subdural arachnoid cyst in 3 cases. (翻译:结果椎管内硬膜外蛛网膜囊肿4例,骶管内蛛网膜囊肿4 2例,神经鞘膜囊肿10例,椎管内硬膜下蛛网膜囊肿3例。)

6. FLAIR sequence is helpful to differentiate epidermoid cyst from arachnoid cyst. (翻译:FLAIR序列有助于鉴别表皮样囊肿和蛛网膜囊肿。)

7. OK, OK, search him for ID, see where he lives. (翻译:好吧,好吧,搜索他 ID,看到他在那里生活。)

8. Dentigerous cysts are the second most common type of cyst in the jaw. 4% of patients with unerupted teeth have a dentigerous cyst. (翻译:含齿囊肿是颌部第二常见的囊肿,4%有未萌出牙的病人会出现含齿囊肿。)

9. A hard-coded ID has been used in this case, but you could use an ID sourced from your database or UUID. (翻译:本例中使用了一个硬编码的ID,但是您也可以使用来自数据库的ID或UUID。)

10. The AMI ID is the sequence that looks like ami-XXXXXXX. (翻译:AMI ID 是类似 ami-XXXXXXX 的序列。)

11. - Yeah. Yeah, we went to Cal Poly together way back when. (翻译:we went to Cal Poly together way back when.)

12. All-poly is probably worse than cotton-poly blends. (翻译:全聚材料比棉混纺聚要糟糕的多。)

13. He had a minor operation to remove a cyst. (翻译:他做了一个切除了囊肿的小手术。)

14. Pool _ emp _ id An integer column containing the employee ID that will be used for a new employee generated at a remote database. (翻译:id一个整数列,包含用于在远程数据库生成的新雇员的雇员ID。)

15. Are you familiar with the id and the ego? (翻译:你知道本我和自我吗? Are you familiar with the id and the ego?)

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