polygala elegans是什么意思 polygala elegans的中文翻译、读音、例句

polygala elegans是什么意思 polygala elegans的中文翻译、读音、例句

polygala elegans在英语中代表"雅致远志"的意思,还有雅致远志的意思,在线读音是[polygalaelegans],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到46个与polygala elegans相关的句子。

Polygala elegans的词典翻译


例句:The C. elegans genome had just been decoded, and Dr. Bargmann was able to identify the worm's odorant receptor genes. (秀丽线虫的基因组刚刚被破解,巴格曼博士证实了蛔虫接收气味的基因。)


polygala elegans一般作为名词使用,如在Polygala elegans(n. 雅致远志)、polygala(远志 )、elegans([网络] 黄喉鹀;密西西比红耳龟;蓝尾石龙子)等常见短语中出现较多。

Polygala elegansn. 雅致远志
elegans[网络] 黄喉鹀;密西西比红耳龟;蓝尾石龙子
emberiza elegans elegans黄喉鹀
fringed polygala[植物]少叶远志(Polygala paucifolia, 生长于北美东部森林中)[亦称作 flowering wintergreen, gaywings]
genus Polygala[网络] 远志属
Polygala alba[植] 白远志
polygala albas[植] 白远志\n(polygala alba 的复数)
Polygala amara[植] 苦远志
Polygala arillatan. 荷包山桂花


1. You know, even if you've never seen one of these little C. elegans -- which probably most of you haven't seen one -- you can tell they're old -- isn't that interesting? (翻译:你看,就算从来没见过秀丽隐杆线虫-- 多数人应该是没见过-- 你就知道它们老了--这不是很有意思吗? )

2. Instead, we studied a little, tiny, round worm called C. elegans, which is just about the size of a comma in a sentence. (翻译:而是研究一种小小圆圆的蠕虫,叫做秀丽隐杆线虫 大小刚好和句子里面逗号的大小差不多)

3. You know, even if you've never seen one of these little C. elegans -- which probably most of you haven't seen one -- you can tell they're old -- isn't that interesting? (翻译:你看,就算从来没见过秀丽隐杆线虫-- 多数人应该是没见过-- 你就知道它们老了--这不是很有意思吗?)

4. Studies on the Protective Effect of Saponins from Polygala aureocauda on Animal Models of Liver Injury (翻译:黄花倒水莲总皂苷对动物实验性肝损伤的保护作用)

5. Objective: To study the chemical constituents of Phyllodium elegans. (翻译:目的:研究毛排钱草的化学成分。)

6. Many effective biomarkers were detected in Caenorhabditis elegans, as a commonly used laboratory model by environmental toxicologists. (翻译:目前,以秀丽隐杆线虫为代表的模型动物已得到广泛应用,并筛选出大量用于毒理学研究的生物标志物。)

7. In one of his first experiments, he coloured six individual cells in the transparent roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans with the aid of GFP. (翻译:在他的第一个实验,他的个人色彩六个细胞的透明蛔虫秀丽隐杆线虫的帮助下,绿色荧光蛋白。)

8. The research was performed on C. elegans, tiny roundworms that typically live an average of two weeks. (翻译:这一研究实验是在线虫身上进行的,这是一种极小的圆虫,他们的平均寿命只有两周左右。)

9. Caenorhabditis elegans, as the roundworm is properly known, is a tiny, transparent animal just a millimeter long. (翻译:秀丽隐杆线虫是蛔虫的学名,是一种只有1毫米长的透明小生物。)

10. Objective: To study the effects of Polygala fallax Hemsl on immunity organ. (翻译:前言:目的:研究黄花倒水莲提取物对免疫器官的影响。)

11. The few miRNAs that have been fully characterized were found in Caenorhabditis elegans and are required for development. (翻译:为数不多的微RNA已充分的特点中发现秀丽隐杆线虫和所需要的发展。)

12. As it would be unethical to experiment on humans, his team used the nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans. (翻译:因为对人体进行该实验是不道德的,研究小组选择了蠕虫。)

13. Result: It was found that Polygala fallax Hemsl obviously increased the avoirdupois and thymus gland index of the mice. (翻译:结果:黄花倒水莲提取物能显著增加小鼠的体重和显著增加小鼠胸腺重量及胸腺指数。)

14. Under light of different quality with a similar irradiance, test tube seedlings of Gypsophila elegans were compared. (翻译:在照度相同、光质不同的条件下,比较各种光质对缕丝花试管苗生长发育的影响。)

15. Effects of Polygala tenuifolia Willd. decoction on myoelectric activity of uterine smooth muscle of virginal rats and its action mechanism; (翻译:目的:观察蝉蜕水煎剂对未孕大鼠离体子宫平滑肌运动的影响,并初步探讨其作用机制。)

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