poncia是什么意思 poncia的中文翻译、读音、例句

poncia是什么意思 poncia的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:In this thesis, carrier reused and multicast transmission technologies in WDM-PON are main research works. (本文主要围绕WDM-PON中载波重用和组播传输技术展开系统的研究。)


例句:Find everything you can on the ClA agents out here. (把CIA和警察的记录查出来发给我 CIA)


1. They will impregnate everyone, including the CIA and the FBI! (翻译:...包括联邦调查局和中央情报局, 都被他们渗透了。)

2. You talk to these Russians, it could kick up some dust, set off their alarms about Charlie Reynolds and jeopardize the C.I.A. operation. (翻译:他们就会警觉Charlie Reynolds的事 还会危害CIA的行动)

3. WDM-PON is the best solution for increasing bandwidth in FTTX. (翻译:在FTTX的架构中WDM-PON是增加频宽的最佳解决方案。)

4. Devilish pretty girl that! 'Pon my soul, an amazing little creature! (翻译:那姑娘真俊气!我敢说,真是一个惊人的小货色!)

5. Oh, my God, the movie you did, with the CIA and Harrison Ford. (翻译:一部关于CIA的电影 里边还有Harrison Ford)

6. Secretary Jarvis, the Director of the CIA both agree the mission takes precedence. (翻译:Jarvis部长 CIA主任都同意该任务优先)

7. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The same guy that turned on his handlers and then killed three agents. (翻译:是的 是的 就是他背叛了CIA杀死3个探员)

8. Sir, the keywords 'North Korea,' 'Abdul,' and 'Assim' emerged on ClA satellite network. (翻译:头儿 CIA卫星监测系统捕获到阿卜杜勒和亚森)

9. It is, in a way, the predecessor of post-war CIA. (翻译:在某种程度上,它是... 战后CIA的前身。)

10. One, you hand me and the disk over to the CIA. (翻译:you hand me and the disk over to the CIA.)

11. And regardless of what happens here, the ClA has no affiliation whatsoever with this operation. (翻译:不管发生什么事情 CIA都与这次作战无关)

12. I know there are CIA, pop. (翻译:и笵琌いァ薄厨Ыρ! и籇ㄓ)

13. And I see it already, the doubt on your face, but I-I am CIA. (翻译:我看见了 你怀疑的表情 ... 我是CIA)

14. We also know that Jonas Siedel recruited you on behalf of the CIA. (翻译:我们还知道Jonas Siedel代表CIA招募了你)

15. That's why the Pon general is here and why they're pumping enough power into that place (翻译:所以那个日本将军才会去 以及为什么他们往里面供的电)

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