portfolio management是什么意思 portfolio management的中文翻译、读音、例句

portfolio management是什么意思 portfolio management的中文翻译、读音、例句

portfolio management在英语中代表"证券管理"的意思,其次还有"证券管理"的意思,在线读音是[pɔ:tˈfəʊli:ˌəʊ ˈmænidʒmənt],portfolio management是一个英语名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到80个与portfolio management相关的例句。

Portfolio management的释义


例句:In fact, Chinese-style management is to rationalize management, management emphasized that it is of course Xiuji Anren. (中国式管理其实就是合理化管理,它强调管理就是修己安人的历程。)


portfolio management一般作为名词使用,如在federal portfolio management([网络] 联邦投资组合管理)、investment portfolio management(投资组合管理)、portfolio management service([经] 成批证券管理服务)等常见短语中出现较多。

federal portfolio management[网络] 联邦投资组合管理
investment portfolio management投资组合管理
portfolio management service[经] 成批证券管理服务
product portfolio management生产资金分配管理
property portfolio management[网络] 房地产投资组合管理
service portfolio management服务组合管理
diversified portfolio多元化投资组合
entry of portfolio[财]未了责任转入


1. I have a management company (翻译:我手下的一家经营公司 I have a management company)

2. I never asked anyone to triple my portfolio. (翻译:我从来没有要求某人给我三倍回报 I never asked anyone to triple my portfolio.)

3. Teri, this is trans con crisis management center, please respond. (翻译:Teri,这里是救援中心,听到请回答。Teri, this is Trans Con Crisis Management Center, please respond.)

4. The following message is transmitted at the request of the California Emergency Management. (翻译:应加州应急管理要求发布信息 Message is transmitted at the request of the California emergency management.)

5. No, it means a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds. (翻译:不是啊 No, it means 我投到好几种不同的股票和债券里了 a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds.)

6. Strengthening the Management of Fund Fluidness and Preventing the Risks of the Mixed Management of (翻译:加强资产流动性管理与防范商业银行混业经营风险)

7. Called drowned in the portfolio today is no longer winning the ratings of the Xiang Bobo . (翻译:俊男靓女的组合现今已经不再是夺得收视率的香饽饽了。)

8. The government and the management team have pledged themselves to a plan to restore the land to what it was. (翻译:政府和管理团队发誓 {\3cH202020}The government and the management team have pledged themselves)

9. Portfolio site for Rob DeFore, located in Denver, Colorado, USA. (翻译:罗布·德福雷现场组合在丹佛,科罗拉多州,位于美国。)

10. Mr. Torresz left his portfolio with a note. (翻译:托雷兹先生没带走画夹 上面有张字条...)

11. NFY replies in the concept of portfolio. (翻译:NFY回帖里的理念组合。)

12. Before examining the sustaining role of the EMPO within the domain of Portfolio Management, let's first briefly touch on what Portfolio Management is all about. (翻译:在分析项目组合管理领域中的EMPO的持续角色之前,让我们来简要地了解一下什么是项目组合管理。)

13. English, a portfolio of my work, and an interview. (翻译:-还有呢? -英文 还有我的作品集和面试)

14. A Monter Carlo optimize calculation of credit risk VaR for loan portfolio (翻译:贷款组合信用风险VaR仿真计算的一种优化方法)

15. The guy is the best in New York and he promised he could triple our portfolio. (翻译:他是纽约最好的 The guy is the best in New York 他承诺他可以给我们三倍回报 and he promised he could triple our portfolio.)

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