posteroexternal column是什么意思 posteroexternal column的中文翻译、读音、例句

posteroexternal column是什么意思 posteroexternal column的中文翻译、读音、例句

posteroexternal column在中文中有"后外柱"的意思,在英美地区还有"后外柱"的意思,单词读音音标为[posteroexternalcolumn],posteroexternal column是一个英语名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到73个与posteroexternal column相关的例句。

Posteroexternal column的词典翻译


例句:The precision of a nonnumeric column generally refers to either the maximum length or the defined length of the column. (非数值列的精度指最大长度或定义的列长度。)


posteroexternal column一般作为名词使用,如在posteroexternal(后外的 )、column(①圆柱②专栏 )、in column([网络] 立柱;中立柱)等常见短语中出现较多。

in column[网络] 立柱;中立柱
diffusion column【化学】扩散塔;扩散柱
digit column数位列
drying column[化] 干燥塔
dual column[医]双柱
doubledrill column双柱钻架
earth column土柱


1. when you apply an autofilter to a column , an arrow appears to the right of the column label. (翻译:对列应用“自动筛选”时,列标的右边就会显示一箭头。)

2. Not so much a twisting column but a behemoth. (翻译:它并不是一条细长的风柱而更像一头在夜空中嘶吼的巨兽)

3. A column's collation sequence is used in any operation that compares values of the column to another column or to constant values. (翻译:列的排序规则序列可用在将列值与其他列的值或常数值进行比较的各项操作中。)

4. You cannot modify a column to make it a computed column using the MODIFY clause . (翻译:不能使用MODIFY子句将一个列修改为计算列。)

5. You can see a different column in the mirror, if there's a mirror behind the column that creates a sort of an optical illusion. (翻译:你能在镜子中看到不同的柱子 这些柱子后面的镜子 能产生一种视觉错觉的效果 )

6. That's the spin in the column. (翻译:损害Childs而帮助Peter 专栏就这么编的)

7. If I needed a man to order me around, (翻译:We can do a column or some... 如果我需要人教我怎么做事)

8. This might be different from the column name returned in the ColumnName column if an alias was used. (翻译:如果使用别名,它可能不同于在ColumnName列中返回的列名称。)

9. Distribution statistics limits are set individually for the deptname column, while deptno column uses a common default. (翻译:单独为deptname列设置分布统计信息的范围,而deptno列使用公共的默认值。)

10. For each row of data output, check that the output of the PPs column is double that of the LPs column. (翻译:对于每个数据输出行,检查PPs列的输出是否是LPs列的两倍。)

11. The column language of the column being queried is used to refer to the desired stemmer . (翻译:使用被查询的列的列语言来引用所需的词干分析器。)

12. The language of a column determines which word breaker and stemmer are used for indexing that column. (翻译:某列的语言确定使用什么断字符和词干分析器对该列创建索引。)

13. Still keeps us in the plus column. (翻译:Still keeps us in the plus column. We need to be seven over .)

14. A column matrix is a matrix consisting of a single column... (翻译:一个列矩阵由一个一个单矩阵组成 原创OCR: 贾宝玉 字幕校对: 贾宝玉)

15. If not , the LOB column will be refreshed at the Subscriber when the next update to a non- LOB column in the same row occurs . (翻译:否则,只有在下一次更新该行中的非LOB列时,才会刷新订阅服务器中的LOB列。)

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