preganglionic neurofibers通常被翻译为"节前神经纤维"的意思,在英美地区还有"节前神经纤维"的意思,单词读音音标为[preganglionicneurofibers],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到57个与preganglionic neurofibers相关的例句。
Preganglionic neurofibers的翻译
例句:When the clock goes low, IC3 produces an output count. (当时钟变为低电平时,IC 3产生一个计数输出。)
preganglionic neurofibers一般作为名词使用,如在preganglionic(a. [解]神经节前的)、postganglionic neurofibers(节后神经纤维)、somatic neurofibers(躯体神经纤维)等常见短语中出现较多。
preganglionic | a. [解]神经节前的 |
postganglionic neurofibers | 节后神经纤维 |
somatic neurofibers | 躯体神经纤维 |
tangential neurofibers | 切线神经纤维 |
visceral neurofibers | 内脏神经纤维 |
preganglionic fiber | 节前纤维 |
preganglionic fibers | [医] 节前纤维 |
preganglionic nerve | 前神经结神经 |
preganglionic neurofiber | 节前神经纤维 |
1. You heard of a Dr. Nelson in neuro? (翻译:- 有排斥反应和感染 我知道 我知道 你给我灌输过很多次了)
2. Design and Operation of the IC Reactor for Handling APMP HC Effluent (翻译:IC反应器处理APMP制浆高浓废水的设计与运行)
3. Elastic fibers usually occur as individual, refractile, branching, and anastomosing fibers. (翻译:弹性纤维通常是单独的,折光的,分枝的及吻合的纤维。)
4. A BPSK Demodulation IC with DPLL for Contactless IC Card Base Station (翻译:非接触IC卡基站BPSK解调电路的锁相设计实现)
5. Pre, you see, was troubled by knowing a mediocre effort can win a race. (翻译:Pre麻烦在于.. ...不怎么努力却可赢得比赛)
6. Now, in the U. S both are used in delivery vans for integrated-circuit units. (翻译:在美国... 这种装备的车子 是用来运送IC积体电路)
7. In clast IC sediments particle size is an important factor. (翻译:在碎屑沉积物中,颗粒大小是个重要因素。)
8. You know, Pre it's spring and I sense this is your week to chase the ladies. (翻译:你知道 Pre... ...春天了... ...最近这周追小姑娘去啦)
9. Brain scientists call this process neuro-plasticity. (翻译:脑科学家给这个过程叫神经可塑性。)
10. You know Germans have an interesting pre-wedding custom-- (翻译:You know Germans have an interesting pre -wedding custom --)
11. However, neuromodulation does not mean neuro-repair. (翻译:但是,神经调控并不意味着 神经元的修复。)
12. A little pre-Halloween hijinkery. (翻译:万圣节前的装神弄鬼罢了 A little pre -Halloween hijinkery.)
13. It'll probably be down to Viren and myself, with Prefontaine trying to chase us down. (翻译:Viren和我可能不妙 因为Pre会非常顽强的追赶)
14. IC from Ladder 42, we are on side two... (翻译:来自42号云梯的指令, 我们在第二边...)
15. Like rods and cones, these ganglion cells are found in the retina. (翻译:与杆状和锥状细胞一样,神经节细胞也是在视网膜上发现的。)