prehospitally是什么意思 prehospitally的中文翻译、读音、例句

prehospitally是什么意思 prehospitally的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Corona General Hospital in Queens. (是皇后区的科罗娜综合医院 Corona General Hospital in Queens.)

例句:Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre-prep. (嗯 待在这 准备准备 Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre)


1. And in this very room, you will all attempt to solve the case of Blessington, the poisoner. (翻译:坚持到医院还是可以的 I can wait until the hospital.)

2. Danny Chan, a well known icon singer, died in Queen Mary Hospital this evening. (翻译:a well known icon singer. Died in Queen Mary Hospital this evening.)

3. - Hospital costs and health care. (翻译:-多新的 {\3cH202020} - Hospital costs and health care.)

4. Design jsa social-ly conscous activity. (翻译:设计是项关注社会的行为。)

5. And he wrote this book to explain, among other things, what it was like to be a medical intern at the Boston City Hospital in the pre-penicillin year of 1937. (翻译:他在书中描述了 作一名实习医生的生活 在当时的波士顿市立医院 在盘尼西林尚未发现的年代 那是xx年)

6. Yeah, well, I can't do that, so... (翻译:- They tell us to get to a hospital. - Yeah, well. - 我不知道怎么做 所以...)

7. LY: But we are working day and night trying to make this happen for the patients. (翻译:杨璐涵:但是我们已经夜以继日的 在为等待器官移植的病人 实现这个目标了。)

8. It'll probably be down to Viren and myself, with Prefontaine trying to chase us down. (翻译:Viren和我可能不妙 因为Pre会非常顽强的追赶)

9. The word 'like' contains one morpheme but 'un-like-ly' contains three. (翻译:like一词含一个词素,而un-like-ly则含三个。)

10. This is Tam Ly our resident Tsunami expert. Sent by the Gods. (翻译:她叫李态美,是上天派来的 她是我校的常驻海啸专家)

11. Is that a pre-stabbing in my pre-back? (翻译:准备在准备期间陷害我吗 Is that a pre -stabbing in my pre)

12. Between me, Pre and K enny, $ 10,000. (翻译:我 Pre 还有 Kenny $10,000)

! (翻译:要是他们真的有问题!)

14. Sure. Ryan: lucas' death,well, it freaked us both out, (翻译:Sure. 但医院发生的事 But what happened at the hospital)

15. I'm going to see Europe again... for the first time in 13 years. (翻译:过了xx年 《犯罪份子》 LY影业650 我将再一次见到欧洲 《犯罪份子》 LY影业650)

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