preparous是什么意思 preparous的中文翻译、读音、例句

preparous是什么意思 preparous的中文翻译、读音、例句

正确的单词应该是 'preparatory'。'Preparatory' 是形容词,意为“准备的,预备的”。这个词通常用于描述某些事物是为了未来的某个行动或事件而做的准备。


1. I am taking a preparatory course in math before starting my degree.


2. The company is in its preparatory phase before the launch of its new product.


3. The students were given a preparatory assignment to complete before the actual project began.


4. The team underwent a rigorous preparatory training program before the championship game.


5. She spent months doing preparatory research before writing her thesis.


6. The athlete's coach designed a preparatory workout plan to get him ready for the Olympics.


7. The company hired a preparatory team to help with the merger process.





例句:Which speaks to the killer's prep work but also his desperation. (这说明凶手准备工作很充足 也说明他不管不顾了)


例句:They're all jail prep programs, if you ask me. (如果你问我的话,他们都算是为监狱生活预热)


例句:All right, Millben Tech or Renfield Prep? (好吧 你们选米尔本理工学院 还是雷菲尔德预备学院?)


1. All right, Millben Tech or Renfield Prep? (翻译:好吧 你们选米尔本理工学院 还是雷菲尔德预备学院?)

2. So please prep the patient for the bitewing x-ray. (翻译:那么... 麻烦帮病人准备一下要照咬翼X光片)

3. Ruth, clear an O.R. right now and prep him for a sternotomy. (翻译:Ruth 马上清出一间手术室 准备做开胸手术)

4. And then another 30 minutes to prep and deploy, Admiral. (翻译:然后再保持30分钟,以 准备和部署,海军上将。)

5. When we're done, I want you to prep Cain. (翻译:I want you to prep Cain.)

6. Bob and I were downstairs. We were both in the prep lab. (翻译:我和鲍勃在楼下,我们都在清理化石的实验室里工作)

7. The EHOME manager copying down the draft, doing the prep work. (翻译:EHOME 的经理会纪录征募阵容 进行对手情资搜集)

8. You can fill me in tomorrow. (翻译:让他准备好作证就行了 just prep him.)

9. David Palacio, he's the top prep scorer in El Paso. (翻译:还有大卫帕拉西奥 是预科联赛艾尔帕索赛区得分王)

10. Rous sarcoma virus contains the src gene that triggers tumor formation. (翻译:劳斯肉瘤病毒包含触发肿瘤形成的 src 基因。)

11. Tell the ClA station chief in Barcelona to prep for a dead drop. (翻译:告诉巴塞罗那的CIA总部 让他们做好准备)

12. Lt. Plummer, tell the Prometheus crew to prep and diagnostics, immediately. (翻译:上尉直立,告诉普罗米修斯船员 来准备和诊断,立即执行。)

13. - Maybe you could prep that- you know, food, booze. (翻译:- 你去做好准备吧,食物,酒 - 好的.)

14. I mean, he came by. We were in prep. (翻译:我们当时正在筹备 帮着解决警局 分区的问题 we were in prep, helped out with PD, zoning.)

15. Miss Queen, are you being dispelled from Balliol Prep? (翻译:奎恩小姐 你是不是被贝列尔预科学校开除了)

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