pretarsus是什么意思 pretarsus的中文翻译、读音、例句

pretarsus是什么意思 pretarsus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Don't waste it by playing at god here in Tarsus while Octavian in Rome becomes a god. (不要在塔瑟斯陪诸神游戏 而屋大维在罗马快变成神了)


1. Objective: To study the effect of eyelid reconstruction replacing tarsus with plantar dermis. (翻译:目的:探讨用自体足底皮代替睑板行眼睑再造术的效果。)

2. We identified a liquid submersion sensor in the Pre, visible through the micro USB port. (翻译:我们在Pre内发现了一个液体潜水传感器,通过microUSB接口可见。)

3. You know, Pre it's spring and I sense this is your week to chase the ladies. (翻译:你知道 Pre... ...春天了... ...最近这周追小姑娘去啦)

4. Commence pre-flight check! (翻译:进行出发前检查 Commence pre -flight check! 语音控制启动)

5. A little pre-Halloween hijinkery. (翻译:万圣节前的装神弄鬼罢了 A little pre -Halloween hijinkery.)

6. We'll deliver it in 12 minutes, 36 seconds then we'll stop the clock and as far as we're concerned, Pre will have his record. (翻译:我们调到了 12分36秒.. ...然后停住... ...我最为关心的就是 Pre将会拥有这项记录)

7. As a sign of aging, it is caused by the progressive laxity of the canthal tendons and the tarsus of the lower lid. (翻译:作为老化的一个体征,其是由眦韧带和下眼睑板进行性松弛引起的。)

8. The new Pixi and the Pre price cut are Palm's latest actions to recapture lost market share. (翻译:推出新品Pixi以及下调Pre售价,这是Palm试图夺回流失市场份额的最新举措。)

9. Which when the brethren knew, they brought him down to Caesarea, and sent him forth to Tarsus . (翻译:弟兄们知道了就送他下该撒利亚、打发他往大数去。)

10. You know Germans have an interesting pre-wedding custom-- (翻译:You know Germans have an interesting pre -wedding custom --)

11. The music is pre-programmed. (翻译:我不知道这音乐怎么放起来的 可能是无意中设置的吧)

12. Pre, you see, was troubled by knowing a mediocre effort can win a race. (翻译:Pre麻烦在于.. ...不怎么努力却可赢得比赛)

13. The last thing Pre said to me was that the next time he'd run three miles he'd do it in 12 minutes and 36 seconds beating the world record by 12 seconds. (翻译:Pre最后对我说的是... ...他要跑3英里赛... ...用12分36秒来大破纪录...)

14. There's even a new concept of time - "pre-pone", the opposite of postpone, meaning "to bring something forward". (翻译:就连表示时间都有新的概念——pre-pone,延期的反义词,意为“提前”。)

15. Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre-prep. (翻译:嗯 待在这 准备准备 Yeah, and just hang back here, do a little pre)



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