pretuned是什么意思 pretuned的中文翻译、读音、例句

pretuned是什么意思 pretuned的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Right, Mr. Wei, I heard GWT and LB... are spending much to do the Project pre-sells (是呀,伟Sir,听说GWT和LB 都用重本来做这个Project pre -sell)


例句:It'll probably be down to Viren and myself, with Prefontaine trying to chase us down. (Viren和我可能不妙 因为Pre会非常顽强的追赶)


1. The radio signal, getting weaker, harder to keep tuned in. (翻译:那种电波信号 The radio signal, 越来越弱了 很难将之维持住 getting weaker, harder to keep tuned in.)

2. There's even a new concept of time - "pre-pone", the opposite of postpone, meaning "to bring something forward". (翻译:就连表示时间都有新的概念——pre-pone,延期的反义词,意为“提前”。)

3. A sort of athletic Beatle. There are T-shirts saying, "Go Pre." (翻译:运动员中的披头士 T恤上写着 Pre 跑吧)

4. We have reviewed the collector, Large pot and tuned suspensions. (翻译:收藏家进行了修订, 扩大了锅 并调整悬架。)

5. She found the wavelength of their broadcasts, and left the radio tuned to their station. (翻译:她找到了他们广播的波段,把收音机调到他们的电台上。)

6. A little pre-Halloween hijinkery. (翻译:万圣节前的装神弄鬼罢了 A little pre -Halloween hijinkery.)

7. You know, Pre it's spring and I sense this is your week to chase the ladies. (翻译:你知道 Pre... ...春天了... ...最近这周追小姑娘去啦)

8. You know Germans have an interesting pre-wedding custom-- (翻译:You know Germans have an interesting pre -wedding custom --)

9. What I had done is I had tuned out of cancer and tuned into my dance. (翻译:我所成就的是 我摆脱了癌症 专注于我的舞蹈)

10. The run must have tuned Bonnie up . (翻译:跑了这一会一定是让邦尼兴奋起来了。)

11. Is that a pre-stabbing in my pre-back? (翻译:准备在准备期间陷害我吗 Is that a pre -stabbing in my pre)

12. He's just not tuned in to the child's feelings. (翻译:他完全没有关注这个孩子的感受。)

13. They've evolved finely tuned strategies for coping with this restricted diet. (翻译:为了以这样的饮食习惯生存下去, 它们进化出了特别的习性。)

14. So Spanish became part of the pre-pre-med curriculum. (翻译:因此西班牙语 成了一门医学预预科的课程。)

15. - And now stay tuned for John Oliver... (翻译:- 现在敬请期待 John Oliver...)

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