prf是什么意思 prf的中文翻译、读音、例句

prf是什么意思 prf的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'prf' 是 'participle'(分词)的简称,通常指 'perfect participle'(完成分词),即用于表示被动意义或完成的动作。

2. 语法用法:'prf' 通常作为定语或状语,修饰句子的主语或宾语,表示一个已经发生的动作。同时,'prf' 还可以用于构成被动语态、完成时态和进行时态。

3. 场景应用:'prf' 在口语和书面语中广泛使用,特别是在科技、商业和法律等领域中。同时,学习者应该对 'prf' 的常见形式和用法进行掌握。

4. 错误提示:在使用 'prf' 时,需要注意时态和语态的正确性,特别是在使用被动语态时,要注意主语和宾语的位置以及动词的时态变化。


1. Having finished his homework, he went to bed.(他做完作业后去睡觉了)

2. The injured man was rushed to the hospital, his leg bleeding.(那个受伤的人被紧急送到了医院,腿上流着血)

3. We have been living in this city for five years.(我们已经在这个城市生活了xx年)

4. He was surprised to find that the door had been unlocked.(他惊讶地发现门已经被打开了)

5. She is planning to buy a car, having saved enough money.(她已经攒够了钱,计划购买一辆车)

翻译:缩写,表示“Partial Request Forwarding”,是指部分请求转发。


例句:数据中心可以使用PRF技术将部分请求发送到不同的服务器,以提高数据处理速度和性能。 (A data center can use PRF technology to forward partial requests to different servers to improve data processing speed and performance.)




例句:So the map of range-velocity detectable zone is in fact the criterion of evaluating the quality of the selected PRF set. (因此距离-速度的二维可检测区图才是衡量重频选取好坏的重要标准。)


例句:High PRF and inverse receiver are often used in radar missile guidance. (在雷达导引头中经常采用高PRF倒置接收体制。)


例句:Running the PRF, we get these values. (运行prf,我们得到。)


例句:Now that the PRF has the control codes, they may have set the warheads to detonate in the event of sabotage or a preemptive strike. (翻译:现在那个人民革命阵线已经有了控制密码 他们可能已经设定了 在遭到破坏或者强袭的情况下 自动引爆)


prf一般作为名词使用,如在high prf(高脉波覆送率)、low prf(低脉波覆送率)、medium prf(中脉波覆送率)等常见短语中出现较多。

high prf高脉波覆送率
low prf低脉波覆送率
medium prf中脉波覆送率
prf.abbr. proof
staggered prf参差变化之脉波覆送律


1. Running the PRF, we get these values. (翻译:运行prf,我们得到。)

2. Now that the PRF has the control codes, they may have set the warheads to detonate in the event of sabotage or a preemptive strike. (翻译:现在那个人民革命阵线已经有了控制密码 他们可能已经设定了 在遭到破坏或者强袭的情况下 自动引爆)

3. Turns out that, before becoming Eli's personal cleaner, and right-hand man, Officer Amit Hadar infiltrated the PRF. (翻译:原来在成为Eli的私人杀手 和得力助手之前 Amit Hadar警官层渗透过PRF)

4. High PRF and inverse receiver are often used in radar missile guidance. (翻译:在雷达导引头中经常采用高prf倒置接收体制。)

5. The PRF is the "Pseudo-Random Function" that's also defined in the spec and is quite clever. (翻译:PRF是一个“伪随机数函数”,这个函数很聪明,在规约中也有定义。)

6. I spoke with Gerard Cuvee, leader of the PRF. (翻译:我和杰勒德 库维谈过 他是人民革命阵线的头)

7. Jack, we're in enemy territory and the PRF knows we're here. (翻译:杰克 我们在敌人的领地上 而且人民革命阵线也知道我们来了)

8. So the map of range-velocity detectable zone is in fact the criterion of evaluating the quality of the selected PRF set. (翻译:因此距离-速度的二维可检测区图才是衡量重频选取好坏的重要标准。)

9. PRF Global Inc is a U. S. A. Corporation located in Huntington Beach, California. (翻译:脉冲重复频率全球公司是美国公司设在加利福尼亚州亨廷顿海滩,加利福尼亚州。)

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