prevention of piracy是什么意思 prevention of piracy的中文翻译、读音、例句

prevention of piracy是什么意思 prevention of piracy的中文翻译、读音、例句

prevention of piracy通常被翻译为"防止海盗行为"的意思,还经常被翻译为网络,读音为[preventionofpiracy],prevention of piracy是一个英语名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到63个与prevention of piracy相关的句子。

Prevention of piracy的中文翻译


例句:Urinary Lithiasis Today: Which Prevention? (今日泌尿结石病:怎么预防? )

例句:And Mr Faxon cites another reason, having to do with the advent of online piracy. (法克森引用另一个原因,与网上盗版的出现有关。)


prevention of piracy一般作为名词使用,如在prevention(预防 )、digital piracy([网络] 网络版权)、groundwater piracy(地下水夺流;地下水截夺)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital piracy[网络] 网络版权
groundwater piracy地下水夺流;地下水截夺
internet piracy[网络] 版权问题;版权题目
labor piracy[经] 夺取劳力
literary piracy侵犯著作权,剽窃
online piracy网络盗版
piracy phenomenon海盗现象
river piracy(河流)袭夺


1. It wasn't piracy in the millions and tens of millions and ultimately, billions. (翻译:数千人。数以百万计,这是不是盗版 以及数以千万计 最终,数十亿美元。)

2. This is the hash of as isterest film piracy proep that we Interpol have been chasing for five years! (翻译:这个就是我们国际刑警 This is the hash of as isterest film piracy proep 追捕了xx年之久的网上盗版集团头目 that we Interpol have been chasing for five years!)

3. Add its reputation for piracy and smuggling and... actually, I'm quite looking forward to it! (翻译:再加上海盗和走私的传闻,老实说,我还真期待点什么。)

4. Is video piracy more unethical than advertising at funerals? (翻译:您不认为用葬礼招广告 和卖盗版VCD都是不道德的行为吗?)

5. Prevention and control of dioxin exposure. (翻译:预防和控制对二恶英的接触。)

6. And the media asked, "Amanda, the music business is tanking and you encourage piracy. (翻译:媒体会问,“Amanda, 音乐产业在衰亡,而你鼓励盗版。)

7. You want to understand why piracy flourishes in the West Indies. (翻译:你想知道为什么海盗能在西印度群岛如此猖狂)

8. Early in our republic, the government sought to fight piracy -- yes, actual pirates. (翻译:在建国初期,政府 致力于抗击海盗劫掠—— 是的,是真正的海盗, 不是盗版行为。)

9. like piracy... would help you maintain your popular support. (翻译:表面上装做是被海盗所威胁的受害者 以此来博取人民的同情)

10. The licensing of HPV vaccine is an important event in cancer prevention, and this vaccine can be used for the primary prevention. (翻译:HPV疫苗的问世是预防子宫颈癌的重要事件,可形成一级预防。)

11. Prevention and control of NCDS. (翻译:非传染性疾病的预防和控制。)

12. The bank said it is trying to better integrate fraud prevention and corruption prevention generally into its operations. (翻译:世行表示,它正试图在运营中更好地结合防范欺诈和腐败的措施。)

13. So we dealt with, with piracy. (翻译:他们会去重新设定。因此,我们在处理与盗版。)

14. But in a world of such easily downloadable material, Morphew says piracy and copyright issues are concerning. (翻译:但墨菲也表示,在这样一个可以轻易下载资料的世界里,盗版和版权问题值得关注。)

15. But I believe there's a great deal of perhaps bootlegging, piracy, such like that. (翻译:我想应该很多是盗版吧 侵权行为,之类的吧)

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